The Kaiju Attack

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Eden POV

The alarm blared throughout the Shatterdome. Shadow got off me. "All Jaegers be ready, three kaijus are heading towards us," the Marshall announced over the intercom.

Uncle Gipsy, a veteran Jaeger and my uncle, immediately sprang into action. "Team, let's move out," he barked.

"Wait, Father, please let me lead this time," Nova my cousin pleaded. I knew she had the skills and the training to handle this mission.

"But three kaijus are heading towards us, and it's dangerous," he replied worriedly.

"I know, but we won't be alone. You and Mom will be with me, and Shadow Fury, the new Jaeger pilot, will be on our team. Together, we can take on anything," ]She said confidently.

"Okay, but just be careful," he warned.

As we stepped outside, the devastation was evident. The drones were destroyed, and the kaijus were closing in on us fast. Shadow Fury, the new recruit, gasped in terror as she realized that one of the kaijus was aware of her presence. I tried to calm her down and focused on the mission. 

Nova commanded "We need to split up. Dad , Mom, and I will take on the first kaiju. Uncle Guardian, Uncle Ragnarock, Aunt Abyss, and Chrome, you take care of the second. Cuz and Shadow, you handle the last one."

We worked together to take down the first two kaijus, but things went wrong when the third one attacked me. Shadow Fury screamed my name, and I tried to duck, but the kaiju was too fast.

Before I knew it, Shadow was in front of the kaiju, taking it down with her cable blades. I was in awe of her bravery and quick thinking.

We headed back to the Shatterdome to regroup with the rest of the team. Nova, Gipsy's niece, demanded an explanation for our delay, but Shadow interjected, warning us to duck just as a giant kaiju emerged from the water.

We were all frozen in fear as the kaiju charged towards us, but Shadow took charge, holding its horns and unleashing an atomic beam from her visor that pierced through its mouth, killing it instantly.

We all stared at her in shock, but she shrugged it off and went inside the Shatterdome without another word.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Shadow's bravery and quick thinking. She might be new to the team, but she had already proven herself to be a formidable Jaeger .


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