chapter 20: 𝘴ú𝘵𝘰𝘯

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The night hung still. There was no whisper of wind or the nocturnal calls of the forests critters.

The man stared right at her, crimson eyes meeting luminescent blue as the large primal beast stalked out from the shadows. He'd been discovered, and he wasn't welcome. He realised this as his eerie gaze trailed over the rising hairs that stood straight on the large creature's massive shoulders.

With a sharp snap of undergrowth, River surged forward, bounding after the unfamiliar vampire with a fierce snarl. Like a bolt of lightning, they streaked past Bella's modest home as River gave chase. She could smell the faint, sweet scent of Bella lingering from him. It was nothing too strong, but why did this stranger bear her scent? Did he hurt her? All River knew was that this vampire wasn't affiliated with either the Cullen clan or the Volturi; he must have something to do with Victoria. No other vampire would venture into Forks willingly. Not with the wilds crawling with shifters and vampires.

As River chased the elusive vampire, moonlight danced through the dense canopy of trees overhead, casting fleeting shadows across the forest floor. Each step echoed in the intense silence, the only sounds being the rustle of their running and the occasional alarmed call of a fleeing critter who had noticed them.

The chase led them deeper and deeper into the woods, where ancient pines stood like silent sentinels, their gnarled roots twisted under the earth. The air carried a hint of dampness to it, mingling well with the earthy scent of moss and decaying leaves. It will rain soon, which meant if River lost him now, he'd escape without a trace.

Suddenly, the vampire made an unexpected, sharp turn around a massive boulder, causing River to skid to a halt at the edge of the tree line. Before her stretched a vast valley bathed in silver moonlight. The vampire had vanished in her distraction, leaving behind nothing but upturned earth and a cold scent. It was as if he had dissolved into the night itself.

Frustration bubbled within River as she leaned heavily against the boulder to catch her breath. Her claws dug into the soft earth. She let out a low growl of anger. The mystery vampire possessed either a remarkable gift in evasion or he had planned a hidden escape route in advance. It would make sense after Victoria's little chase the other night. She would have learnt that lesson.

With a resigned huff, River pushed herself away from the boulder and turned to trot back through the woods to Bella's house. The night held an eerie stillness now, a stark contrast to the adrenaline-fuelled rush just moments before. As River padded through the woods, her senses remained alert, wary of any sign of the intruder coming back. But there was nothing.

Arriving at the edge of Bella's property, River paused to survey the surroundings. The quaint house stood nestled in the middle of the open field, its windows dark and silent. No one was home and there was no scent of blood in the air. If that vampire had come to kill Bella, he came only to be disappointed. She must have been with the Cullens.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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