Before the Rift (Prologue)

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It's a cool summer afternoon. The yellow trees around you shake and collide with the wind. The scent of gasoline and dirty food drifts into your nose as you cross the line, heading into the third and final lap of the Official Dusgen ATV Tournament.

You are a hacker. You had a passion for coding since you were very young, and your earliest memory is tapping away at a computer with your older sister, who sacrificed herself to protect the neighboring dwarf planet, Ekar, from Professor Nefarious some years ago. Ever since then, you've lost that sense of purpose - the time you spent helping her break into complexes, is now being used to skim people's Bank accounts.

Your once-grey dress-shirt is now turning into a brown mess due to backlash from your tires, and your actual brown bag is flailing in the wind. Just how you like it. Your speedometer reads 67 mph - this is no time to screw up. Taking the corners with ease, and the jumps with grace, you can see "the drop" in your path. Without hesitation, you lay on the boost, sending you soaring off the edge like an eagle. After feel your stomach drop, you lay back, taking in the drop in pressure for a split-second, before-


You barely have enough time to sit up before you spot a fluorescent purple ring suspended mid-air, directly in front of you. Before you can even compute what happened, you're gone.

/How is it?\

Ratchet And Clank Rift Apart: Access Denied (Rivet X Male Lombax)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum