Info of Y/n Anarchy

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Name: Y/n Anarchy

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Name: Y/n Anarchy

Gender: Female

Age: (Physical age): 18
          (Real age): Unknown

Hair color: Purple and Pink

Eye color: Teal

Affiliation: Fatui, Eleven Fatui Harbingers

Hobby: Eating Sweets

Vision: None

Delusion: Hydro

Weapon: Katana

Personality: Y/n is more focused on her task and serious, though that is not saying very much. She has a very serious sweet tooth and constantly gorges herself on sugary treats. Despite this, she asserts that she can never gain weight because all the fat goes straight to her breasts.

She is a goth girl who displays some strange sexual fetishes, namely fondness for BDSM.


Spiritual blade construction (Stripes I & II)
Anarchy inducement
Improbable weapon proficiency
Combination attacks
Superhuman strength
Enhanced swordsmanship
Dual wielding
Divine infusion

Y/n has the ability to turn stockings into holy Angelic katanas called Stripes I and II which can damage and destroy Enemies, Demons and others. Usually, she fights with only one sword, but when pressed can remove both her stockings to duel-wield. She displays impossible ability with her blades, as she is able to create myriads of slicing waves, spin around with her swords extended to slice everything around her, and deflect bullets from demonic revolvers. Y/n primarily makes use of skill. She also has diverse other attributes associated with.

Her plushie Honekoneko also has an ability of its own: breathing fire at opponents.

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