Chapter 1

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Paris pov
I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off telling me that I,was time to go to school "great" today is my first day of school since we just moved here from queens New York to LA I have a twin brother and sister named prince & princess they are 3 and my name is Paris I'm 16 years old and i am the second oldest I have a older brother named perry jr but we just call him pj he is 17 he's a year older then me but I'm not mad (he's in college)but any way I got out of bed And walked in my bathroom took a 15min shower and got out and put on some black joggers with a blue shirt that has sparkles and blue ugh boots with sparkles I left my hair curly I put on some light make up with some carmax then I grabbed my blue iPhone 5c and my purse and binder then went downstairs to see my mom cooking breakfast

Mom :good morning Paris
Me:good morning mom
Mom :ready for your first day of school
Me:not really where are the twins
Mom:upstairs can you go see if they are really

I put my stuff down on the couch then I ran upstairs to the twins room to see them getting ready

Me: hey guys
Princess:pawris (jumps on me )
Prince:p dog (jumps on me )
Me : you guys ready
Me:why you not ready princess
Princess: because I don't have no friends
Me:you have prince plus you can make new friends
Princess:are you sure
Princess:otay I'm rewady
Me :ok put on your shoes mommy got breakfast waiting
Prince put on his Jordan "oreos" he had on a White polo shirt and black skinny jeans and princess put on some pink uggs boots she had on a pink shirt with black skinny jeans she had her hair in a high ponytail I grabbed their hand and we walked down stairs they ran to mom we sat at the table and ate breakfast until It was time to go me and my mom dropped off the twins first then she dropped me off when I got there I went straight to the front office they gave me my schedule I went to my locker Which was locker 725 when I got there I saw a whole bunch of boys I guessing that they play basketball because of the jackets they had on when I found my locker I saw this sexy light skinned boy with curly hair and a perfect smile he was right in front of my locker

Me:umm excuse me but your in front of my locker
Him:oh I'm sorry (moves out the way) are you new here
Me:yeah I just moved here about 2 weeks ago
Other boys : see you later diggy
Him:ard (daps them up)
Me:(putting stuff in my locker )
Him:so what's your name
Me:Paris shae smith
Him: pretty name for a beautiful girl
Me:(smiles) thanks what your name
Him:Daniel Dwayne simmons but my friends call me diggy
Me: well diggy nice to meet you
Him:you too umm can I see your schedule
Me:(hands him my schedule)
Him:we have all the same classes except science
Me:who do you have for science
Diggy: and you have mr.leo (hands me back my schedule) but that not until 5th period
Me: oh well I guess I should be going to class
Diggy: let me walk you since we do have the same classes

So we walked to class on our way there I saw some girls giving me the 'who the fuck are you ' look but ignored it and continue walking to class when we got there the class was full
Teacher:hello you must be Paris
Me:yes ma'am
Teacher:good to have you here I'm mrs butler your health teacher you can sit where ever you like since your new

Diggy told me to come sit next to him so i did since he was the only person I really knew since I'm new here I sat down and diggy introduced my to his crew
Jacob p,Craig,rayon,chresanto,Jacob L ,Taylor ,Tyra, and Kayla I waved and listened to the teacher


At lunch I got in line and order a cheese burger with fries and a sprite this school has fast food places in side of it this is so
Cool I payed for my food and saw Taylor and Tyra waving at me telling to come eat outside with them and the crew when I got over there I saw this girl with messed up tracks siting on diggy lap
So I sat next to Taylor and Kayla

Me:(taps Kayla & whispers ) who's that
Kayla:(whispers) school thot and diggys "girlfriend "
Her : I haven't believe we didn't mat I'm shawnmia but people call me Mia and you are
Her:I heard. My boyfriend has been showing you around school
Me:yeah he's nice (smiles)
Mia:why are you smiling
Me: because I can
Mia: he's mine
Me:ok ideaf what does that have to do with me smiling the fuck
Mia :oh hell NAW is this bitch trying to get smart with me she don't know me or she don't want it not today I'm not the one to play with
Me: why are you causing a scene
Mia: because bitch you are trying me
Me:call me out my name and we will see who a bitch is
I jumped across the table only getting pulled back by Taylor and Tyra
Me: get off of me so I can beat the shit out of her (try's again but get pulled back from diggy) let me go (jumps back over the table but got put over diggys shoulders )

He started running I was screaming and yelling for him to put me down but he countinued to run with me ,when he put me down I noticed that we were in a empty gym

Me : why are we in here
Diggy :because you were about to get into a fight with somebody that you don't even know
Me:only because she called me out if my name that's why
Diggy:I understand but you can't be doing that here
Me:again I don't understand why I'm in here
Diggy:because this is our next class and for you to play me in basketball
Me: how do you know I play basketball
Diggy: I can tell when a girl plays basketball
Me: let me see what you got

He ran across the gym to get a basketball when he came back he took off his jacket and toss me the ball I started bouncing the ball the I shot and missed. He got it and dribbled to the three point line, I tried to block him but ended up falling on top of him. I stared into his eyes. He leaned in and so did I. Our faces were about 2 cm away when the door opened. I heard heels coming my way.I quickly got off of him and pretended to do a push-up. I looked up and saw Mia in my face.Ugh here we go

Mia: WHAT IN THE HELL!!!!!!why were you about to kiss my man
Diggy:Shawnmia I told you we don't go out no more
Mia:but baby
Diggy:but baby my ass get the fuck out of her
Mia:fine but (turns to me) watch your back
Me:ain't no body scard of your corn chip smelling ass Gtf

She left then we finished our game he won by 1 point 14-15 then the class came in the gym teacher gave me Gym clothes for the rest of the year i put them in my gym locker and went to class

After school

I went to my locker to put my books in their when I finished someone closed my locker I turned around and it was diggy

Me: I thought you were shawnmia bout to get hit
Diggy:why do you want fight her so bad it's your first day
Me: I been wanting a bitch to try me so bad but everybody in my old school already knew what's up when I came here she was the first person to try me
Diggy:your so violent
Me: I get it from my dad but I got my moms attuide
Diggy:im gonna have to meet them one day
Me: yeah( gets a call from my mom and answers it).....hello....yeah.......ok...... I'll be out there........ok .... Where are the twins...........ok mom......bye
Diggy:who was that
Me:my mom she says I have to walk to go get the twins since it's around the corner
Diggy:you have kids
Me:hell naw
Me: there my sister and brother wellI got to go ...see ya (walks away)
Diggy:Paris wait
Me:(turns around) yes
Diggy:can I drive you
Me:umm I guess

So we walked to the car and got in I told him the directions to the day care when we got there I went in sign out the twins and out them in the back seat

Princess:pawris where is mwommy?
Me: she has to work late
Me:yes again prince
Princess:who cwr awe we in
Me: a friend of mine
Prince:hey mr. What's your name
Diggy:hey guys I'm diggy (turns around and smile)
Princess:a www pawris he cuwte 😁
Diggy:thanks I guess
Prince:my name is prince and this is my little sister princess
Princess:yeah and were tree (holds up 3 fingers)
Diggy: wanna guess how old am I
Prince:no stupid 200
Me:(laughs)no guys
Diggy:(laughs) I'm 17
Princess: pawris is 16
Diggy:oh really (looks at me)
Prince:yeah and pj 17
Diggy: pj?
Me: older brother
Diggy:oh (pulls up to my house) is this your house
Me:(looks )how did you know
Diggy: I think I saw you moved her 2 weeks ago
Me:stalker much
Diggy :no because I live right over there (point across the street)
Me:oh thanks diggy it was nice of you to give us a ride (get out and open twins door)
Prince &princess:tank you (gets out)
Diggy: welcome see you later
Me: bye

We went in the house and chilled till my parents came home

How did you guys like it so far good or bad I wanna know in the comments below 👇👇👇👇 love ya~shá😘😘😁😁

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