Chapter six

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Thursday rolled around and Jamie was more nervous than she should have been.
"Why are we even doing this?" Jamie asked Calum when he came to pick her up.
"What, you don't want to?" Calum asked.
"No, I just mean why can't we just tell people we went on a date?" Jamie corrected. "Why do we actually have to?"
"Because it's more fun this way," Calum grinned. "and besides, Luke might see us."
"But what are the chances of that?" Jamie asked.
"I'm starting to get the feeling you just don't like me." Calum pretended to be upset.
Jamie felt bad, even though she knew Calum was just joking.
She smiled. "Okay, let's go."

The movie theatre was packed with people and there was no way to tell if they knew anyone there.
They sat down and the movie began. Jamie tried not to look over at Calum but she eventually couldn't help herself.
"What?" He asked when he noticed her looking at him.
Jamie shrugged. She couldn't answer. She didn't know why she had looked at him.
Calum bit his lip and Jamie thought of Luke.
Luke, she thought. That's the whole reason you're doing this.
She looked back to the movie, but she could see out of the corner of her eye that Calum was still watching her.

After the movie Calum and Jamie decided to go for a walk to the park.
"That was a fun fake date." Jamie smiled, glancing over at Calum.
"Yeah." Calum smiled.
"Um...can I ask you a question?" Jamie kicked a pinecone into the gutter.
"Would you ever actually date me?"
Calum didn't say anything for a while, and then asked, "Why?"
"Because...I'm starting to think maybe Luke doesn't want to for a reason." Jamie admitted.
"That's crazy!" Calum said quickly. "what even made you think that?"
"I don't know..." Jamie ran a hand through her auburn hair. "It's first it seemed like he liked me and then suddenly he only wanted to be my friend. Maybe he decided I wasn't worth it after all." She kicked another pinecone.
"You can't..." Calum took a deep breath. "you can't talk about yourself like you're something somebody bought and then decided to return. You're an amazing person, and if Luke can't see that, then maybe he doesn't deserve you after all."
Jamie glanced over at Calum.
"Do you really mean that?" Jamie asked. "About me being an amazing person?"
"Of course I do." Calum didn't even hesitate.
" you actually think Luke doesn't deserve me?"
"If he doesn't see how awesome you are then definitely not," Calum replied. "But I think he does."
Jamie hoped so.

When Calum pulled up to Jamie's apartment building half an hour later, he looked over at her.
"I had fun."
"Me too," Jamie smiled. "thanks...for everything."
Calum didn't say anything for a while, his jaw clenched.
"Um...should I fake kiss you goodnight?" he asked quietly.
"What is a fake kiss?" Jamie asked.
"I don't know," Calum smiled. "a regular kiss with the word 'fake' in front of it?"
"Hmm...a fake kiss..." Jamie put a finger to her chin in thought. "What do you suppose a fake kiss implies?"
Calum didn't say anything.
"Is asking if you should fake kiss me goodnight simply a normal thing that happens after a fake date, or do you just want to kiss me?" Jamie glanced over at Calum, grinning..
Calum smiled, blushing a little.
"Well...I suppose," Jamie bit her lip. "A fake date isn't complete without a fake kiss goodnight."
She slowly leaned over, ignoring the seat belt buckle digging into her side, and brought her lips to Calum's, closing her eyes.
But in the middle of the kiss, she thought of Luke. Luke.
She pulled her lips away from Calum's.
"Goodnight." She unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the car door, hopping out onto the sidewalk. She walked towards the front doors. She didn't look back.
That night she was about to turn her light out and go to sleep when her phone buzzed.
Calum: what happened?
Jamie thought for a moment.
Jamie: what do you mean?

Calum: we were kissing and then you just left. Why?

Jamie: Because we're not doing this for us, we're doing it for me and Luke.

Calum: you kissed me, I didn't kiss you. Why are you getting mad at me?

Jamie: I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at myself, because I shouldn't have kissed you.

Calum: why not?

Jamie: because.

Calum: because why?

Jamie: I'm not doing this.

Calum: I just want to know why you regret kissing me.

Jamie: Because! Because normal people don't just go around kissing guys they don't want a relationship with! You don't just kiss someone for no reason!

Calum: It wasn't for no reason.

Jamie: maybe it wasn't the first time but the second time it was! And now looking back on it I just feel like I was screwing with you. Maybe we shouldn't do this.

Calum: Are you saying you want to stop this whole thing?

Jamie: I don't know. Just please leave me alone Calum.

Calum: why?

Jamie: because I don't want to get mad at you.

Calum: it seems like you're pretty mad at me already.

Jamie: I already told you, I'm not mad at you Calum! I'm mad at myself.

Calum: you're mad at me.

Jamie: no I'm not. I just don't want to talk to anybody right now, I'm confused with myself and I have to figure some things out.

Calum: If you don't want to talk to me than why do you keep replying?
Jamie thought for a moment, wondering if she should stop.
Jamie: because you still think I'm mad at you and I don't want you to be upset.

Calum: well you're doing a pretty shitty job if that's true.

Jamie: please, Calum, don't get mad.

Calum: "I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at myself"

Jamie: I'm sorry

Calum: I don't know why, but I don't believe you


Uh oh. Well, the usual. Vote, comment, follow, yaddee da.


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