Chapter Two

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As a child, Amara aspired to become the greatest warrior anyone would ever see in the kingdom of Lumentia. He would practice everyday at home with a wooden sword and a shield. Until one day, when his father presented him a sword he had forged himself. At that time, Amara knew exactly what he would have to do to become a warrior. And he could have continued on that path too, but then something happened. Someone who was really adorable came into his life. It was Arina. With the birth of his baby sister, everything changed. A boy who was passionate about becoming the greatest warrior, now had an even more important responsibility to fulfil. It was now his duty as an elder brother to take care of her baby sister. She was beautiful, mischeivious and delicate. He loved her. And tried to do whatever he could, to make her happy.

Time passed by, and Amara, who had started helping his father in farming after Arina's birth, eventually ended up becoming a farmer. Then too, he continued his practice. And as Arina grew a little bit older, she showed interest in learning fighting skills as well. Amara knew she had the potential to become a warrior someday. And so, he slowly started teaching her everything he was learning. Even though Arina was still young, but she was smart and intelligent. When she turned 11 years old, he gave Arina his dagger as a reward for what she had learned through the years.

One day, when Amara was coming back home with his father from the farm. He saw his mother walking back and forth outside the house. When they reached home. She asked them, if Arina was with them, but Amara immediately told her that they were at the farm and that he hadn't seen her since morning. His mother told them that Arina was missing. She tried finding her everywhere she could, but she couldn't. Amara got concerned but he had an idea where Arina could be. And he left the house, looking for her and he found her far away from their house near the forest. He called out her name and went to her. On their way back home. Arina told him about an invisible lady who was whispering to her, which didn't make any sense to him. He patiently listened to her, he chuckled and then politly reminded her that wondering off alone this far from home was not a good thing and she should stay nearby. Then they returned home.

Later that night, Amara got anxious. He had heard about the forest and all different kind of stories about it as well. But Amara never believed in magic or fairies, so he just ignored those stoires told by people. But that day when Arina earlier mentioned about that whispering lady, it confused him because he knew, Arina was not a girl who would make up foolish stories in defense of her carelessness. That's why Amara thought it would be better to ask their mother about it. To him his mother had always been the most logical person. He went to their mother, who was making supper in the kitchenette. At first Amara hesitated to ask such senseless questions, as he was not a child, that would wonder about 'faries in the forest', he thought to himself. But his curiosity for the answers that kept popping in his head got the better of him. So he finally  asked his mother, "Are the stories about the magic in the forest true?"
She stopped and gave him a puzzled look. Then she turned around and continued cutting the vegetables. Then she said, "I can't say anything. Some people believe in magic whereas some people don't."
Amara noticed a bit uneasiness in her voice.
"And what do you believe mother?" he asked keenly.
"You know Amara, that I don't believe in magic or faries, though I have heard about people, who went into the forest and never returned. But it is surprising, that you are asking me about the forest." she replied.
"Oh, it's nothing mother. I was just curious." he said.
Their mother seemed confused but Amara changed the topic and came back to his room. He kept thinking about it for a long time. After a while, he came to a conclusion, if he was to believe that the forest was magical, all he had to do to protect Arina was not letting her go anywhere near the forest ever again. 

Two days before coronation ceremony of queen Nara, which was to take place in Lilium, it was decided by Amara and Arina's parents that they will present the new ruler of the kingdom with their best produce of fruits and vegetables. And it was Amara and Arina's responsibility to collect and bring the vegetables from the farm and store them carefully in the cart for the journey to the capital city.

The next morning, Amara took the cart in front of their house where Arina was waiting him. They both went to the farm. When they reached, Amara started putting the vegetables into large crates and asked Arina to put the fruits into similar ones that their father had asked them to collect. After a while Amara thought it would be too much work for Arina to do and told her to take a break, but Amara continued to work. After a little while, Amara realised Arina was not there, then he heard Arina asking him to find her. It was a simple game that they both played. Arina loved playing it. In the game, Arina would go and hide somewhere and Amara had to find her. After playing hide and seek for long enough, Amara asked Arina to come back to him immediately, but there was no reply. Amara put the work on hold and started searching for his sister, and there was still no sign of her. He knew his sister had a tendency to lose her way, trying to chase butterflies or rabbits. He looked everywhere she could have possibly gone to but he couldn't find her anywhere. Soon after he went home to told their parents about the same and to get help of people to look for Arina.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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