A Different Kind Of Demon King

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Sorry if I don't include names so much, I'm often getting confused with korean names. Also, I only orientate myself by TikTok's, reaction videos, pins...basically everything except the light novel. Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys!

Skull is the consciousness of Kim Dokja whom, after saving everyone, got pulled out of his body and went into a socially more dangerous world as punishment by the Outer God without any recollection of his former self... he's constantly followed by the feeling that this and everything else was/is his own fault. His company (or nebula and friends), fellow constellations and/or loyal audience (family) searched everywhere for him only to discover him lying in the very same subway train from the first scenerio and as a small comatosed kid. He was immediately attached to medical equipment where they learned that he won't wake up due to the actions of a higher power.

~Skull pov, 14 y.o.

'Haah.. Another exhausting day in the circus. As exciting it is to drive up the ramps and fly as Screams follow me, it is all too short to make me happy.' I had just finished performing on my bike and went to my hanger to freshen up. 'I love my bikersuit, really, I do. It keeps others from staring at me.. But, it gets hot in there! - which isn't bad in winter but I pray to the heavens to let me die once summer swings around!'.

Going up the three stairs and opening the door I walked inside my dark purple compartment hanger. It had a window on each side, with a table under the left and my bed under the right. My closet was behind the table while before my bed was a stand for clothes or items to hang up. I took off my helmet putting it on the stand while zipping down my suit. I breathed from the freshness I got from having taken off my helmet. I tip-toed out of my suit throwing it partway on my bed. Underneath it, I wore a black top with the sleeves rolled back and a dark blue jeans (1 of KDJ's outfits).

I ruffled my hair before plopping down on my chair and taking a sip out of a flask there, 'The next stunt is in 2 hours.. Oh well'. Normally it would be in three, but one of our clowns came down with a sickness and now they had one act less to perform. I volunteered to fill in by accompanying them with a stunt, since I kinda took the guy drinking some nights before. I grabbed my phone scrolling past the news and through anything that could hook me up with an interesting story. 'Bo~ring~. Or could it be that my standards are too high and I'm not respecting these people's sense of entertainment/amusement enough?' my lips thinned.

Maybe I'm a social outcast for not understanding human behavior that well.. people do get weirded out when they find out how lightly I take my own stunts afterall. The people here, each of them, already called me a suicidal once.

Just then I hourd my phone beep and vibrate, 'An email?'. I went on my app and clicked the newest message open. It could be that some rich guy living nearby wants to hire a stuntman for his party. Wouldn't be the first time.

...Its not a job request but a gift for fellow readers?

I don't read tho? Maybe it's an add?

I looked at the bottom where the story was attached to, "<Three ways to survive the apocalypse>? That's..". My mouth opened slightly, 'I don't know why, but this brings back a feeling of nostalgia..'. Just out of interest I opened it up to read the first chapter, then the second, then the third.

Time ticked by before my screen was obscured by a notification, my alarm clock was ringing. My eyes widened, 'Shit! Only 15min before the next performance!'. I put the phone down before dashing out - in my suit - with my helmet. I stopped however, giving a brief glance back at my locked train compartment. Shaking my head, I headed for my trusted motorbike.

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