✨Chapter Five✨

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* Two years later *

Hey so I've been a HYDRA agent for two years now... well I say two but I've only really been 'on their side' as they say for a year. The other year was spent being tortured into joining them at least that's what they think they think they brainwashed me with that stupid electric chair thingy.  Well, they are in for a rude awakening the brainwashing didn't work perks of being Asgardian I guess, and well a little help from my healing powers I've been getting pretty good at them. Anyway so I've got a mission soon and I'm pretty excited actually because well I  haven't been on a mission in a few weeks and yeah that doesn't sound so bad but trust me it's not a holiday just sitting in a cell the whole time I made a ball with my powers but it gets boring pretty quickly.

Just then two guards come in the door to my cell and tell me it's time to go for my mission.

* After the mission *

So I finished my mission early and there was a forest close to where HYDRA was collecting me. I was just sitting there fiddling with a piece of grass when I heard this yelp and then another so, me being the nosey person that I am and knowing that HYDRA wouldn't be here for a few hours  I went to investigate. As I was walking the yelps got louder and I heard growling then I came to a clearing and I saw a bear five times the size of me attacking a baby wolf cub I fought off the bear but when I got to the wolf the poor thing was drenched in blood its gorgeous white fur now a deep red and she had two big wounds on her side. I had never tried to heal another person before never mind an animal but I was gonna try.

I was tired and a little woozy but at least the wolf was okay. She was asleep in my lap while I was sitting down trying to regain my strength she seemed to already trust me and I have to admit I feel a connection to the small furball in my lap.

When I finally regain my strength I stand up with the little cub still in my arms and make my way to the collection point.

Then when HYDRA got there it took a hell of a lot of complaining and convincing but eventually they let me keep her. I think they just wanted to shut me up and get me in the helicopter so they could go home but I was happy either way.

* One year later *

So yeah they let me keep her and I named her Willow because there was a huge weeping willow tree in the clearing where I found her and also she likes it. Oh yeah and I can talk to her and she talks back and don't worry I'm not going crazy I just have gotten better at my powers and the more I learn to control the ones I know about the more I discover new ones.

I was just chilling in my cell, yes I still have to stay in a cell it's not locked tho so it's kinda like a room just a little less cozy but anyway I was just talking to Willow when the alarm went off signaling there was intruders but I just sat there I was gonna go fight but I overheard one of the soldiers say it was the avengers so I sat there hoping they would take down this HYDRA base and I would finally get out of here.

Then after a while it got quiet I knew they were still there because I could hear the odd bang or shout now and again so I got my backpack which had all my stuff well it's just a hoodie and a teddy I have for Willow then me and Willow left my room and headed towards the noise.

So we're walking down the hallway towards the noise when I turn the corner and there are the avengers just walking casually talking to each other but then they notice me and immediately get into their fighting stances and the one with the arrows Hawkeye I think I heard some of the HYDRA agents talking about him shoots an arrow at us and I automatically step in front of Willow and create a force field around the both of us

"I don't want to hurt any of you," I say still holding up the force field.

"Oh yeah and how are we supposed to believe that?" I'm guessing from his suit and shield Captain America says.

"Oh come on captain give the mortal a chance"

"Umm, excuse you I am no mortal yo-wait Thor!?!"

I apologize do I know you?" Thor replies confused.

I giggle "Well I would hope so brother," I say as I lower my force field so he can see my face.

He looks even more confused when I say brother but as he sees my face the look of realization hits and I smile.

"Munchkin?" He says almost not believing what he's looking at. I nod tears streaming down my face unable to speak.

"Oh, how I've missed you." He says opening his arms and of course I run and jump into them and he spins me around just like he used to.

So after our little moment and we had calmed down ya know well we have a lot of confused avengers looking at us.

"Ah yes well this is Gabriella my umm my little sister," Thor says after he notices all the stares.

"Wait what... you never told us you had a sister?!?" The one in the metal suit whom I'm presuming is Iron Man said.

"Umm... yeah well that's kind of a long story maybe for another time perhaps a time where we're not standing in the middle of a HYDRA base," I say.

"Yes we should probably get back to the quinjet," captain America said and Willow and I followed them to their plane thingy.

As we were walking Thor spoke up "umm... munchkin I have a question"

"Yes, what is it, brother?"

"Well if you don't mind me asking what's that?" Thor said pointing to the white wolf following us, Willow growled at him.

"That is a wolf brother and she is a who not a that and her name is Willow"

"Oh my apologies Willow" Thor tried to apologize but Willow just huffed and walked on.

"I don't think she likes me," Thor said sounding upset.

"Don't worry Thor I'm sure she'll warm up to you just give her some time" I say

"Okay," Thor said still sounding a little sad.

"We're here," Captain America said and we all piled into the quinjet as they called it.

"So Thor aren't you gonna introduce us to your sister?" One of them says.

"Oh yes well Gabriella these are my friends the avengers tony stark/iron man, Clint Barton/Hawkeye, Wanda Maximoff umm she doesn't have a superhero name anyway umm then there's Bruce banner/the hulk, the vision, Peter Parker/Spider-Man, sam Wilson/falcon, Bucky Barnes/the winter soldier and Steve Rogers/Captain America"Thor explains pointing to each person as he says their name.

"Jeez there's a lot of you guys," I say.

"Yep and that's not even everyone there's still a few more people you have to meet," Clint says.

"Oh my lord"

A/N: sorry for not updating in ages but this is quite a long chapter so hopefully that makes up for it and a certain someone can stop complaining you know who you are. J x

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