Chapter 7

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    A few days before Brittany and Santana's wedding, Fiona rolled Artie into the barn, as the guys moved a Christmas tree inside and Tina moved a bunch of hay complaining about how hard it was causing Fiona to roll her eyes in frustration but that's as Brittany came down the steps worried about how the wedding would turn out as Fiona gave Tina a hand with moving the hay so that she would stop complaining so that Kurt could deal with Brittany. That's when she heard Brittany complain about Kurt's boyfriend being older than his dad and all of a sudden she thought of something.

    "Brittany. I know who can officiate your wedding," Fiona announces, as Kurt gives her a smile.

    "Who," asked Britt.

    "Burt," announces Kurt.

    "Burt who?"

    "Burt Hummel," Fiona tells her.

    "Who is he?" Fiona rolls her eyes slightly but giggles at her stupidity.

    "That's my dad," Kurt tells her.



    The next day, as Kurt is on a date with Walter, Fiona is putting together her wedding dress with her sewing machine. She had earned her love of fashion from Kurt so she was lucky that she knew how to design. She saw Kurt walk in her room, face beat red and smiling. Fiona knew that it had something to do with Blaine.

    "What happened to you," she asked.

    "I told Walter about me and Blaine and he told me to go find him and lucky enough, he broke up with Karofsky because he also knew so now we're dating again," he tells her cheerfully.


"I knew you secretly shipped us," he told her.

"How could I not? You two are so cute together." Kurt chuckles.

"I'm pretty sure that's what everyone else thinks," he tells her.

"Then I'm just like everyone else in the school." Kurt chuckles at this.

"Maybe even better," he whispered.

"Do you really mean it?"

"Of course I mean it."

"You always seem to brighten my day."
    "Another thing: I need you to ask Emily to go to the Wedding with you," he tells her, causing Fiona to look at him like he's crazy.

    "Emily and I are just friends."

    "Then go as friends," Kurt suggests.

    "I don't know Kurt."

    "Why not? I asked Blaine, now you have to ask Emily." Fiona sighs.

    "Fine, but you owe me."


    The next day, as promised, she decided to ask Emily while they were alone in the auditorium during Free Period.

    "Are you sure we're allowed to be in here," asks Emily.

    "Come on! Live a little," Fiona persuades. "So....are you going with any of your Cheerleading friends to the wedding?"

    "No. They all act like they're 'too cool' for me. Can you BELIEVE that," she asked. Fiona chuckled, and nodded.

    "I was kinda hoping you wouldn't because I.....wanted to ask you to go as friends." Emily smiles at her and raises her backpack up.

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