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YN's Pov

"Have fun on your honeymoon!"

I smile and get in the Justin's car

Now we're off to paradise✌😍


-Next Morning⛅

I look over to seeing my handsome husband sleeping peacefully 😍

I crawl out of bed and walk to the bathroom and Donny morning things🚿🎀💄

(Outfit Above)

"Babee" Justin says kissing me

"Are we going outside today?" I ask

"Yeah wait for me out there" He says

I nod and walk out


I feel the warm sun shined on my skin

The water was warm and it felt amazing😍

I walk to the swing

Justin pushes me

"Justin" I yell

"Oops sorry babe" He smirks

I laugh

"It's s beautiful" I say looking around some more

"Like you?"

"Aww" I kiss him

"YN no matter what happens ill love You, Jordan and Sophia (andOf Course Beliebers) more than anything okay?"

"Okay, I love you so much" I put my head in his chest

"But I love you more" he says
"Lies" I laugh

"This will be forever" I whisper

The End


Wassupp Fam👌

It's not the end you
Still need to know
How Sophia &
Jordan Look!

So next few chapters are gonna be shorter😁

But hey it's almost spring break (for me)

Did you guys enjoy yours?
(If you already had yours)


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