chapter 1

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The day was young as the sun rose above the treeline, the sky alight with hues of oranges and pinks fading in to a gentle indigo before the sky would be turned cerulean by the rays of the dawn sun.
Rays of sunshine streamed through forests glistening upon the streams and rivers and on to the world below gleaming upon the buildings of ottoman central.
Adeline woke with the sunrise to ready herself for the day ahead. It just so happened to be one of her few days off and while she could've slept in, she wasn't the kind of woman to break habit. At least not in a normal day.
Adeline got dressed in a pair of grey sweats that hugged her hip line and a blank ta k top that caressed her curves, she then went to the kitchen to prepare herself breakfast.
The kitchen was painted a deep royal blue accented with black cabinets adorned with white cabinet doors and black marble counter tops.
She approached the island in the center of her kitchen which housed her sink abd turned on the tap running hit water in to the silver basin as the crystal drops chimed against the metallic walls and foundation. She slipped her pale hands in to the steamy water and proceeded to wash her hands she dried them and approached her fridge, a double door fridge with a pull out freezer on the bottom. She removed 6eggs in the carton and the gallon of milk with the bacon, sausage, green peppers ,onion, half a garlic clove and a tomato. She set the ingredients upon the island counter and went to aquire one of her crystal glasses grabbing a mixing bowl as well. She took the glass to her fridge and got herself some crushed ice and dispensed water and took a sip of the refreshing substance. She placed her glass in the counter and set the mixing bowl down and used the edges to crack the eggs in to the bowl adding a splash of milk a pinch of salt and some pepper from her fancy wooden pepper grinder. After whisking the eggs she went to the oven an removed a black teflon nonstick pan and placed four pieces of bacon in to it upon her electric stove which glowed red ready to cook, as the bacon cooked she diced all her ingredients except the garlic and placed them in bowls onions with the green pepper and crushed garlic with the tomatoes. Once the bacon was crispy she removed it from the heat replacing it with her sausage links, she then took the crispy bacon and diced it in to small pieces Once the sausage was done she placed in the pan her egg mixture letting it cook in the bacon and sausage grease as she turned to make her coffee a favorite of hers a Turkish blend it always reminded her of her ex and a man she still adored. She shook her head with a chuckle and returned to her omelette to place in her bits of vegetables one one half and then added the cheese before placing the bacon bits upon the melting cheese folding the plain side over the cheese bacon and vegetables folding it over twice in a sort of burrito fashion as she placed it on to the plate with the sausage. She placed the spatula and skillet in to the sink, using dish soap and hot water she lathered her sponge and proceeded to wash the dishes and set them in the strainer giving her omelette time to seal itself with the cheese. She opened her dishwasher and removed a knife and a fork coming back to her omelette she allowed to cool pressing the prongs of the fork in to the fluffy golden brown surface of the crustless quiche splitting it in to four even pieces and garnishing it with her favorite hot sauce in a perfect evenly spaced zigzag. Adaline was no chef but she took a look at her work and smiled it made her feel accomplished she hadn't posted in her instasnap in four years but she felt this omelette deserved to be viewed by the world. She poured herself a cup of coffee First drinking in its rich flavor she closed her eyes and melted in to every grain for a moment before pulling out her phone to snap the photo although she didn't post it right away she first wanted to eat so she grabbed her thermos and filled it with coffee then her plate and glass of water and sat in one of the barstools at the breakfast nook she took a drink of her water as she cut a piece from her omelette.
After she finished her food she used her napkin to wipe the corners of her mouth and drank the rest of her coffee finished the dishes and decided to refill her thermos pouring in three fourths coffee the rest her french vanilla bean creamer she took a sip then a deep breath and exhaled with a smile as she went to her living room placing  her thermos upon the table on a coaster. She pulled her curly hair out of the pony tail holder letting the cascade of rubys fall to her waist. Her eyes a deep blue that couldn't compare to the darkest indigo or the lightest cerulean but somewhere in the middle was the moon pool of these deep ice blue pools that reflected her very soul. Her nose while straight was dainty with a narrow tip that sat above full pink lips the bottom lip thicker then the top, her skin fair and pale for that of a turkish woman.
Adaline grabbed one of her favorite books from her bookshelf when her phone lit up and gave a small vibration the number red, unknown. Adaline closed her book slowly and picked her phone up sliding the book in to the space where the phone just was and clicked answer the call was from italy based on the number of digits and the area code.
"Hello?" She asked shyly
"Adaline" the voice said soft as velvet and familiar she knew this voice...
" did you get my number, and why are you calling?" She tried ti keep her voice calm though her heart gelt like it may explode if it beat any harder.
"Tsk tsk miss adaline you should know i keep track of everyone in my school that means you as well."
Adaline rolled her eyes "now you and i both know i haven't been there in six months, i do not belong there you know that."
" i know.its difficult for u to be a human when ur brother and sister are so extraordinary-" he said softly.
Adaline gave a deep sigh in anger the last time she had seen her siblings her brother had removed the soul of a sweet little girl an left her dead in a bathroom, they blamed adaline for it saying she choked her and wouldn't stop  till the girl stopped breathing.
"Izcaldo i wrote my siblings off years ago i do not care about them not after blaming me for that girls death and then mothers tbe fallowing year, i do not wish to return to tje academy to learn to be a wraith and study to develop powers when i will never be capable of such things."  She said Cooley leaving a chill with every word that passed over her lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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