New troubles

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Snow pelt had slept her last night in the apprentice den. "Maybe I'll go to the borders." She mumbled in her sleep. Their medicine cat, rose tail had been missing since the kits were gone. Ever since snow paw found out she would wait and wait for her to comeback. Some thought of a journey but only the leader knew where she was. Hours later the sun was peeking from the hill top. Snow pelt woken from her slumber she left the rocky shelter. She saw the medicine cat staring at the water still as a rock. "Rose tail!!" Shouted snow pelt. Tears filled her eyes and then she ran over to her. "Rose I know you heard me, why did you leave me i was your apprentice!" Snow pelt commented. "I left because the water, it turned red I left to see the snake clan to talk. There planning big things, really big things. But warned us to send you to the twolgs and never let you back in. To save the clan." Whispered rose tail. "I will fight them to destroy them we can win, we will win! I'm not leaving." Yelled snow pelt. "HUSH! No one needs to know!" Mewed Rose tail. Snow pelt was now running to hide but rose tail told the leader. "Well, if we can reconsider another sacrifice she can stay. If not... Well it's starclan's choice." Coral star said. "I will go speak with the leaders." Then rose tail bounded off after her comment. snow pelt told Autumn hart. "What should I do?" Snow pelt whispered "What your heart tells you. I will leave with you if you allow me to." Autumn hart replied. "Ok. I'll think about it." Then snow pelt laid down.

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