Chapter 1

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   As soon as I hear Jude in the kitchen I know I will not be getting coffee for a few hours. I do not want to see her at the moment, especially because we just got into another argument and I'm trying to avoid any conversation. I lay in bed, scrolling through my phone and listening to pots and pans clanging. What the fuck is she doing? How many dishes exactly does she need.
The noise stops though and I quickly climb out of bed. I don't know why she makes me so on edge. This is my apartment for fucks sake and I get to go where I want and do what I want. Maybe it's the fact that she's okay with doing all of that despite us getting into arguments that annoys me. Whatever, it's my apartment and I pay rent. Well, half-rent. 

I walk into the kitchen and the image of Jude with milk dripping down her chin and her face stuffed with cereal hits me. She's watching something on her computer but as soon as she hears my footsteps she turns her head towards me. I avoid eye contact and start coffee in the pot. I don't know exactly why I'm avoiding her, maybe it's because last night we were yelling so loud that the neighbors came and pounded on the door to check on us. This was so embarrassing that Jude and I awkwardly apologized to each other and then hid out in our rooms for the rest of the night. It was 7:00 P.M.
She continues munching on her sugary breakfast and I can feel her eyes on me. Why the hell was she making so much noise if she was only going to eat cereal? I want to ask her desperately because now I'm worried she did something with my dishes.                   
 "Jude, what were you doing with all those dishes this morning?" I ask as cold as I can.                    "I was washing the dishes." She replies shortly. I stay silent for a minute and pour myself some coffee. "One of your plates broke though." She says. I choke on my coffee and spin towards her.    "How?!" I exclaim.                                                                                                                                                                  "By it falling..?" She says with a shrug. I am so pissed. It better not be one of my ornate plates that cost me a fucking fortune. "Sorry Cardan." She says and then takes another spoonful of cereal. "Jude..why the fuck didn't you tell me earlier?" I ask. "Because you were asleep." She responds. I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh. "Fine whatever. Do it again you're buying me a new plate." I say. She rolls her eyes and gets up. She carries her bowl of milk and soggy pieces of cereal over to the sink and dumps it. "Yes, your majesty." She replies sarcastically and curtsies. 
"Are you going to wash that bowl?" I ask her. She groans and says, "Cardan I literally just did all my dishes, chill." I ignore her and pour myself another cup of coffee. Normally her not doing her dishes right away wouldn't be a big deal. But she'll wait two days before she does them and she's a mess generally. She leaves coffee stains on the counters, papers scattered on the kitchen island, random paper plates scattered with food stains, and one time I even found pizza crust stuffed in a couch cushion. I should kick her out, but honestly, her company is better than no company. Plus there are probably some rules about kicking out your roommate during quarantine. 

   I decide to go take a shower and put on some clothes that aren't a large t-shirt and boxers. After I'm done with that I suppose I should get to work. I have online classes due to Covid and a part-time job but I don't have work today and I don't have the patience to suffer through classes. Jude also has online classes but I have no idea what job she has. I'm pretty sure she does some kind of detective work. Or maybe she does all that shit for fun. Who knows? 
I honestly don't feel like working though and I'd rather read or watch tv or fucking go out. I'm so sick of quarantine. Jude asked me a few weeks ago if we could get a dog and I told her no, but maybe it would be a good reason and excuse to go outside. 
I run my hands through my hair which is a mess and put on a green t-shirt and black sweats. After I comb through my hair and hang my towel up I head back into the kitchen. What I see stops me in my tracks. Jude is on the couch with her legs on the coffee table, wearing nothing but panties and a skimpy tank top, eating my strawberries straight from the container. She sucks on one and you can see the juice running on her lips. She looks careless and hot at the same time. She looks entirely too comfortable if anything. "Um, people eat on that table Jude," I say. she doesn't even turn my way. She is watching some show that I don't care enough to ask about. Finally, after my glaring at her for a few moments, she slips her legs off the table and crosses them on the couch. I roll my eyes and go to the kitchen counter and grab paper towels and spray cleaner. Then, I walk right where she is sitting and stand right in front of her. She gives me an annoyed look but I don't even pay attention. I start spraying the cleaner on the coffee table as slow as I can. Jude gives a frustrated groan and I smirk. Once I'm done with the spraying, I start wiping up the spray very slowly. 
   When I'm done, Jude is giving me a death glare and I all but give her a charming smile back. "You really had to do that?" She snarls. 
"Why Jude dearest, I am only cleaning up the germs from your dirty feet," I reply. She gives me an agitated look. "Cardan you are such a fucking prick." She says. Something in me tightens. 
"I am the one giving you a place to live, don't forget that," I say. She rolls her eyes and gets up. I am taller than her by only a few inches. She bends down and grabs the remote and suddenly I can see everything. Her panties are barely covering her ass and she has to know, I can't seem to take my eyes off of her.  As soon as she bends down, she's back up again but I can't stop the slight red blossoming on my cheeks. Sure Jude is hot, sexy even, but I would never date her. She's gross and annoying and honestly, she pisses me off every day. I don't know why I am looking into this. I wish I could slow my mind down.
 I turn away before Jude can see me blushing and I walk over to the kitchen and put everything away. Jude brings the strawberries over and puts them back in the refrigerator. Before she can walk away though I grab her wrist. "From now on, before you eat anything that is mine, ask first." I say sharply. She gives me a surprised look as if she cannot believe that I would make her do that. I definitely would. 
"Fine priss boy." She snaps and twists her arms out of my grip and saunters off to her room. I roll my eyes but head to my room.

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