Chapter 7

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(Going to be a short chapter)


   I wake up to a snoring Jude on the couch. Moonlight pours in from the window. I feel oddly content and without thinking, I wrap my arms around Jude. Events from last night come to mind and I feel myself actually smile. I don't know what this will mean for us but I can't find myself to care at the moment. Jude leans into my hold and it takes me a minute to recognize how close we are. 
After a few moments I know I won't be able to fall back asleep for a little while. With my hand that isn't wrapped around Jude's body, I search for my phone. I feel the cool wood for the coffee table and finally grasp onto the surface of my phone. The light temporally blinds me and I desperately lower the brightness down. When I can see, I realize it's 1:30 A.M. In the morning. Jesus we really just fell asleep. Jude mumbles something that I can't make out.
"Hmm?" I ask.
"Turn your fucking phone off and hold me instead." She says. It's so unexpected that I laugh and then pull her closer if it's even possible. She sighs and relaxes at my touch. 
God, I love this.
The thought grabs my attention. I don't know if I should or shouldn't love this. Whatever this is.
I push away the thoughts and try to focus on the here and now. I lean forward and kiss Jude's neck slowly. She shudders and I kiss her again in response. She lets out a moan and I clutch her to me.
" it?" She asks, between breaths. 
"About 1:30 in the morning," I reply and kiss her ear. 
She giggles. "We really just crashed didn't we?" 
We both laugh and suddenly I am on top of her and we are both blushing and giggling and other dumb shit.
At some point, we stop and Jude says, "..I'm hungry."
I smile and roll off her. "Yeah, we never ate dinner."
We get up and I think until that point, we both forgot we were nude. We quickly put on clothes and decide that we should order food. While Jude looks at takeout menus, I check my phone and find out that I got an email from the neighbors, asking for us to quiet down. It's so bizarre and unbelievable that I stare at my phone screen for a good 30 seconds until I start laughing randomly. Jude calls over from the counter, " what is it?"
"Uhh, the neighbors send us an email to fuck quieter," I say.
"Jude gives a surprised laugh. "Didn't I ask if you were worried the neighbors would hear us?"
I nod and we both laugh. 

   We end up ordering Chinese food and pizza because we couldn't agree on which to get. So typical of us. When the food arrives, Jude insists that we just eat from the boxes but I make her get a plate and napkins. We also organize the couch cushions and refold the blanket that was on it. 
"I can't believe they emailed you." Jude says, "like who checks their email right after sex or during sex?" 
I shake my head but to be honest I'm still thinking about my earlier thought.
God, I love this.
Why did I think this? Jude and I don't get along. I don't love her. Or our relationship or anything like that. 
"..Yeah I don't know. Maybe we should send them an apology card for how loud we were." I say.
Jude lets out a loud laugh and I can't help but smile. We finish eating and we put the leftovers away. When we get back to the couch we lay beside each other and I once again wrap my arms around her. But the previous thought still lingers.

God, I love this.

Modern Roommates (Jurdan fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang