Chapter two: First time out

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Date: 9/19-20/2021


  Virgil was making breakfast with Roman, Robin still sleeping in their bed, Roman cracked the eggs into a bowl, Virgil was putting bacon on a pan, after putting the vegetable oil in, Roman started whisking the egg yolk with a whisk, Virgil flipped the bacon and let that side cook, he went to grab plates, he grabbed a step stool and placed it beneath the cabinet he was reaching into, he stepped up and grabbed three plates, he stepped back down, setting the plates on the counter and Roman was making scrambled eggs and making sure the bacon didn't burn, Virgil started putting rice in the plates, Roman finished with the scrambled eggs and bacon, he set bacon and eggs in all the plates when Virgil finished, they both made the table setting the plates and forks down, when they finished they were waiting for Robin to wake up, Virgil had gone outside to the back to get some fresh air on the patio, Roman had made coffee and went out, he went behind Virgil and wrapped his arms around Virgil's waist, Virgil smiled and laid his head back on Roman's chest, leaning into the touch, Roman smiled and said "I brought you coffee, five scoops of sugar and two tablespoons of Vanilla creamer," Roman said smiling holding a cup up for Virgil, Virgil gladly took the cup and took a sip, "Thanks Rowy" 

Roman smiled bending his head down a bit so he can give Virgil a kiss, they kissed for what seemed like an hour, but in reality was only a few minutes, once they pulled away, Roman rested his head on Virgil's head, still having his arms around Virgil's waist, they looked out at the view, the tall thick grass waving in the wind, the sun light glimmering against the pond they had, they looked at the field, miles and miles of grass and farm land, Roman started swaying with Virgil slightly to the side then the other, both enjoying the silence looking at the amazing view they woke up to every morning, they watched as birds flew by then Virgil saw a deer in the far distance near the beginning of the woods, "I'm hungry now" Roman said to Virgil, "Let's go see if Robin is awake then" Virgil said back, they both nodded and went to their room and saw Robin awake, sitting up, rubbing his eyes, Roman and Virgil smiled and sat by Robin, and pulled him into a hug, "You wanna go eat now bud?" Roman asked, Robin nodded, they all got up and went to eat.

"I have to go out to the town in a bit," Roman said looking at Virgil as they ate, Virgil nodded, "I'll help you get the newspapers into the truck" Roman nodded, Robin swallowed his eggs and looked at Roman, "Can I come to the town with you daddy?!" Robin asked excitedly wanting to go for the first time really badly, Roman looked at Robin then looked at Virgil, and raised an eyebrow at him, wondering if he could take him, Virgil looked at him and then looked at Robin's excited cute little face, "Fine. Just be careful." Virgil agreed, they finished eating then went to grab the newspapers, Virgil setting them in the passenger seat, Roman putting Robin in his car seat in the back, Virgil went by Robin and kissed his head, "Stay by daddy okay?" Robin nodded "I will papa!" Robin smiled excitedly, he was gonna go to the town for the first time, Virgil closed the truck door and went by Roman, "Make sure he stays safe." Roman smiled pulling Virgil close "I will lavender" Roman and Virgil shared a quick kiss, Roman got in the driver's seat, Robin waved out the window to Virgil, Virgil waving back as they drove away, Virgil sighed and walked back into the house.

"Are you excited, buddy?" Roman asked, looking at Robin in the rearview mirror, Robin nodded fastly "Yup!" "Maybe you'll meet some other kids and play with them," Roman said smiling, Robin got even happier by the second, he looked out the window, the wind blowing his hair around, they drove for at least an hour before they saw the first building to the town "Woah!" Robin awed in amazement, Roman smiled, "That's a gas station" Roman said stopping the truck, getting out, he went in the back and got Robin out, Robin held Roman's hand, "Daddy? Why are we here?" "I need to get gas bud and you can go get a snack," Roman said back to Robin, he grabbed his wallet out of the truck, Robin held onto his fingers as they walked into the gas station, Roman told Robin to go get any snack he wanted, Roman was paying for gas at the front, Robin was looking around for some juice and cookies, he found some and got chocolate chip cookies, and some apple juice, Robin brought it to Roman and Roman paid for it, Roman went out with Robin holding his hand, Roman put Robin back in his seat with his snack and drink, he filled the truck with gas, he finished, then got back in the driver's seat.

They traveled for at least another hour, then they started seeing more and more buildings as they went farther, Robin had eaten most of his cookies by then and had a few left, "Daddy?" "Yes, bud?" Roman looked at him in the rearview mirror, "Do you want some cookieeeeeeeees?" Roman smiled, "I can't right now but maybe later," Roman said, he can't since he's driving, Robin nodded "Okay daddy"

They drove tell they got to the actual town, Roman parked in the town square, he helped Robin out, Robin gave Roman a cookie and Roman ate them "Thanks bud" He ruffled Robin's hair, Roman brought out the newspapers and a table from the back of the truck, he set everything up and everyone started rushing over, Roman came down every day at the end of the week which is Saturday, everyone knew the times so most were there, Roman started handing out papers while people gave him a dollar for a paper, Robin watched staying close to Roman cause of the crowd, Roman saw Robin trying to stay close to him, so he grabbed his hand and pulled him behind him so he didn't get trampled over, Robin stayed behind him but then saw a boy playing with some toys. 

The boy walked over with what seemed to be their mother and father, the boy looked at him and pointed at him, "Hello!" The boy said, Robin looked at him and held onto the back of Roman's shirt, "Do you wanna come  play with me?!" The boy asked excitedly, Robin looked at Roman wanting to play, Roman looked at him then the boy, he smiled, he knew the boy and the boy's parents, they come to get food and newspapers from him all the time and had small conversations every now and then, Roman looked at his parents "Mary? James? Would it be okay if my son, Robin, and your son Adom play for a bit?" Mary and James smiled when Roman pulled out Robin from behind him, "So this is your son you always mentioned, he looks adorable" Mary said kneeling down to him, "Hello, you can go play with Adom if you like" Mary said, Robin looked at Roman and Roman nodded, "Be careful and stay where I can see you, okay?" Robin nodded, smiling, and then he ran over to Adom.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2021 ⏰

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