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Gulping down the last of your drink, you eyed the older Haitani as he put up your leftovers. He seemed even more thin than his typical skinny build, and it pained your heart. He ate so happily during dinner, like he hadn't eaten in a couple of days. You looked away as he turned towards you and took your now empty cup to place in the sink.

"How're you feeling?" he stroked your cheek.

"I'm okay." you answered, looking at his hand in an effort to avoid eye contact.

"You can walk around and eat on your own again, so the detoxing drink Sanzu put together must be pretty potent." his hands trailed down your spine and around your hips.

"Mm." you nodded, finally looking up at him.

Ran grabbed your waist and pressed you against the kitchen counter, kissed your forehead before gazing into your eyes. From this intimate embrace, you could see the Haitani even better. He looked polished, hair combed back, and chin smooth, but you could see the signs of him not taking care of himself behind closed doors. His calm demeanor and crisp suit made him look like the model wealthy businessman, but the Bonten tattoo at the forefront of his neck signaled something darker. Anyone from Japan knew it meant danger, and the lazy smile hid his often morbidly creative intentions.

His gaze was something you had grown to see as comforting, but now, it left a sense of unease after the sweet sensation. You couldn't just forget that you were brought there unwillingly, even as he kissed your cheek.

"Ran..." you turned your head as a kiss was planted on your neck.

"What's this?" he tilted your cheek upwards to look at him. "My kitten doesn't want to play? What's the matter?"

You shook your head, unsure of if you could really say what was on your mind. You had always felt like you could say what you were thinking with him before, but now, you were honestly not sure how he might react. He knew exactly what was the matter, but he was so good at manipulation that you were beginning to question if you were overreacting. The way his hands started roaming up and down your body like before this all happened made you miss being so close to him. You wanted more.

Suddenly, you felt yourself being lifted up, and Ran put one hand under your knee and the other on your ass to keep you in place. Now eye to eye with him, he pressed your foreheads together. "C'mon, sweetheart." his lazy smile plastered on his face. "Let's just focus on right now. I don't want to argue or think about anything but us, and I know you don't either. Just let me take care of you, yeah?"

His lips landed behind your ear in a spot he knew all too well, and you breathed out a moan as you leaned into him. Your hands found their way to his blazer, and you pulled on it lightly. He took the hint and carried you out of the kitchen, up the staircase, and into his bedroom. By the time he tossed you onto the bed and tossed his blazer aside, both of you were panting. Ran's hair was ruffled and sexy, and his eyes didn't leave you as he pulled a chair up to the foot of the bed, facing you. He then opened the balcony door and returned to the chair, taking a seat.

You stared at him expectantly as he unbuttoned his vest and tossed it on top of his blazer on the floor. He pulled a box of cigarettes out from his dresser drawer and picked one out before lighting it and looking back to you. He appeared to be thinking for a second as he leaned forward onto his elbow and inhaled deeply, and as he blew a cloud of smoke into the air, he made his mind up.

He loosened his tie and rolled up his sleeves before reaching out to you with a two-finger "come here" motion. You wasted no time getting off of the huge bed, and he pointed his index finger down at the floor. It was like he was giving instructions to a dog, and yet you sat right in front of him. He cupped your chin and kissed your forehead a couple more times before slipping his finger between your skin and your dress strap. One then both straps were lifted from your shoulders and allowed to fall down your arms. You didn't dare move to keep the fabric up, eyes focused on him. Suddenly, he roughly tore your bra from your body, causing you to yelp and wince. When you looked back up at him, his lazy smile had disappeared.

You Can't Run | Yandere Ran Haitani X Reader Y/NWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt