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     SILVER IMMEDIATELY RUSHED UP TO ME, her hands releasing from the tight grip around her knife held inside her belt. Her hands reached for my head. I didn't know what I expected from this, I didn't know how she was going to react to Bella and me leaving her back at the cornucopia.

     She slowly walked closer to me, an elated look painted across her face. Soon, I found her palms touching my scar on my forehead. Silver's smile soon turned to anger and she bit her bottom lip. "Who did this James?" She asked, her whisper gently yet full of regret. "Was it her?"

     I shook my head immediately, protecting my friend from another miserable day, Silver had been through enough without blaming everything on someone else.

     "I slipped."

It was a white lie, quietly creeping into the truth. At least someone did actually slip over.

     "You need to get that leg healed up," Bella announced, pointing towards Silver's calf in a worried manner. Blood poured down the side of it and the wound was fresh with scratches around it.

     "Who did that?" I asked Silver, countering her previous question for me.


     Her voice was sharp, as if she had been strangled recently and it had only just began to heal. An inch of doubt hung off her lips, like she was now in danger for mentioning her name.

     I tried to reply, but my dehydrated voice was swiftly cut off by Freya, who lingered shyly out of the conversation.

     "I can help that. . . If you want," she said, her words pronounced quietly and carefully, "It was an axe, right? I know these types of wounds, when the workers come back from cutting down the forest. They get hit by their own axes. My father works at the District Seven hospital."

     Our thoughts were cut off by another cannon, echoing from the centre of the arena. We were far out from the trouble.

     "That's someone from Twelve, the girl, Brooke, I think. Well, she was the weaker one. Then there's the other and Three before its just us and the Careers," Bella added, swinging her trident around in boredom.

     "Lets get Silver's wound fixed up and then we need to move, a lake it too dangerous," I replied, smiling at Silver gently as Freya guided her to a near fallen log by the water's edge. She nodded back, almost as if she was proud of me for taking lead in the situation.

     "There's a pretty hidden cave there if you want to rest or..." Silver's voice trailed of as Bella climbed straight through the mossy curtain of leaves hiding the entrance.

     "I'll talk to you later." I nodded towards Silver demandingly and followed Bella away from the scene. We shortly arrived at an open space in the surroundings, revealing a deep cavern covered by hedges and fallen trees. The air became humid as we entered, but the stone was freezing to touch, and Silver's belongings appeared already sprawled on the damp flooring. Her necklace, that I had only noticed her wearing during the public appearances, was hung on a stone shaped like a slanted shelf and her rucksack, that she must have obtained from the Cornucopia, was filled with cooked meat. The stench was strange, but not too overwhelming.

     Bella leant back on a ledge and her legs stretched out on at least a quarter of the cave floor. He face became paler than usual due to the cold aura in the cave. It wasn't like Bella to be this quiet.

     "You okay?" I asked as her eyes flicked up to see mine, the familiarity of her turquoise irises bringing me to reality.

     "You need to go talk to her James. The moment she saw you, her face lit up like a thousand lights. You have two have been through enough with each other than to just ignore one another after two seconds."

     "I'm not —"

     "You have. It's been fifteen days; we've been here for fifteen days."

     "I'm trying to make things —"

     "You care about her. Go talk to her now," Bella insisted, nudging my elbow with her foot.

     "She's with Freya," I exclaimed, trying to avoid a confrontation between both of my closest friends.

     "I know Frey, she's probably done already — boring the hell out of her."

     Her eyes rolled with sarcasm as she used both legs to nudge my arm. I tumbled slightly to the left, supporting myself with my hands, before dumping Bella and I's bag on the floor next to Silver's.

     As I rose from my seat, I noticed that gleam of metallic light on the other side of the cave. Walking towards it, I scooped the chilled item of jewellery from the ground and into the cup of my palm. It weighed heavier than I expected it to feel as I wrapped my fingers around it, concealing it from the outside air. With the necklace in my hand, I eventually began to find my way out of the cave opening and followed the light to reach Silver.

SILVER  •  THE HUNGER GAMES ¹Where stories live. Discover now