Chapter 1 MS13

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There's a hole in my heart ,a hole I can't take away.A hole that is stained permanent. My brother,my twin brother.He was only 19 he had a long life ahead.But it's our fault that he lost his life. We were both in a gang called MS13.The gang that spreads like a virus. A gang with no heart for anyone.We joined when we were about 12. Once your in it there's no way out it's like your traped in a In a room and can't get out unless you jump out a window 135 stories high with no parachute.When we first joined I thought it was cool until my first assignment. To kill an intruder I was only about 13 and they assigned me to kill someone. I had no choice but to do it . After that I assigned to do more missions. When I was 15 I killed my first leader. After that I took his spot as a drug lord. It was a working progress for me.I made thousands and thousands per day.

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