What do you think about...? 2

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Nuha story is over, though for me it isn't. However, I save it until I can track her back. Her family seems to be really strict in not allowing knowing about her. Even my father and hers are not in a good relationship.

So I am gonna ask about it again. What do you think about suicide?

Perhaps you guys are wondering why I am so fond with the subject. Am I having a problem and wanted to kill myself too. Believe me guys, you wish you don't want to know my stories. So many stories that I hold that make me want to end my life myself.

But I don't. Because I have a job unfinished. And in this moment I don't have any chance. Why? I save it for later.

You remember a scene where Tony ask Clay do you ever been in a crime scene? Seeing a real dead body?

I have. And its my friend's. Lying with her eyes wide open, dead. Cause of death?

Overdosing medicine.

Do you want to hear the story?


Keep reading.

Her name is Melissa. She was a very cheerful and positive girl the first time I knew her. But, I think that everybody agreed that high school was suck because of some stupid boys and girls who don't even know responsibilities and live by their own meaning of life.


We were 16 years old at that time. An age where you can be so stupid, or so ignorant. I don't have many friend at that time. Barely none. But she's the first one to approach.

But I didn't realize at that time she was having a problem. I mean, I knew she was bright, she was pretty and she's athletic. A complete set of human.

And of course, being a 16 years old, you never satisfied if there are other people who are surpassing you rite?

She was being banned by her own batch, especially from the girls. Just because she's popular with the boys. She's a new student on my school. Boarding school.

Yes, boys and girls. Boarding school.

Some people think they are senior enough to not let any new student surpass them in anything.

Go to hell people.

But then, the boys banned her too because she didn't responded to them. Saying she's just a bitch who was so full of herself.

Nevertheless, she kept smiling around me. Never a single time I saw her tears. And I asked her why.

"Alah, masalah kecil je ni. Pedulikanlah diorang."

The small word you tell me, Mel. Cause your life and my life too.

Days after, I heard some rumours about her. The batch gossiping that she was once a hooker and had been with many guys. Just because of her big breast.

Seriously girls?

Busuk hati gila!

"Mel, Takkan kau nak biar je diorang cakap buruk pasal kau!"

"Benda tu tak betulkan? Seminggu dua nanti reda la cerita tu."

"Mel, ni soal maruah kau! Orang fitnah kau weyh! At least stand up for yourself!"


And I just stumbled there. She's too strong to show me that damn smile.

Pure heart.

Nope. That is not the climax yet.

One day, Melissa went to the toilet at the school, right after our prep class. Nobody was there anymore, everyone were already gone back to the hostel.

This was when Melissa got raped by our batch mates. MATES.

She was raped by 4 people whom I knew each one of them.

The devils, hiding behind a human.

That night, Melissa came to my dorm. Crying.

"Siapa yang buat kau macam ni weyh? Jom, kita report pada warden."Melissa hold my hand, preventing me from going up.

"Kalau kita report nanti aku lagi kena weyh. Nanti diorg kata akulah yang goda diorg la.."

"Mel! For god sake. Kau kena rogol weyh!"

"Nobody's gonna believe a hooker."


People will believe the liar more.

What a life.

The next morning, there she was. Lying beside her bed, and bottles of medicine. Empty.

I was so lost for almost half a year. Because she was the only friend that I have.

Now, she's gone.

One day, I was going to the toilet to get my laundry's done. When I discover a true shocking news.

"Weyh, kau tak takut ke roh si Melissa tu ganggu kau?" Laughter.

"Mengarutlah. Apa hal pula dia nak kacau aku?"

"Yalah.. Dulu kau jugak yang sebar pasal dia tu pelacur kan? Padahal kau tak ada bukti pun."

Alah, korang pun tukang sebar juga kan? Tak tenang la hidup korang. Malam nanti, dia merangkak bawah katil korang nak balas dendam." Laughter again.

Before I realized, all of them ended in hospital with serious injury and I ended up being dropped from that school because I admitted beating up 4 girls in the toilet in hostel.

Do I look like I care?


Just serve them right.

And I don't even care if they die because of me.

Because their shitty mouth had caused my best friend died.

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