Two - Awkward encounter

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Long chapter for you all ;)


After putting my plate away I walk back upstairs. My dad was still sat on the sofa reading his paper when I passed through the living room. Not even acknowledging my existence. I can't wait to move into my own apartment to be honest. Mainly to be able to have full privacy.

When I get to my room I take out my phone to open up my contact list. I find Cassandra quick and press the call button. She picks up almost immediately.

''Finally..!" She breaths and I can't help but to laugh.

"What's up?" I fiddle with the hem of my t-shirt as I await her answer.

"You forgot!?" She nearly screams the words in a mixture of excitement and annoyance.

What the hell did I forget and why was this so important to her. I know it wasn't her birthday or anything like that.

"What?" I ask with a curious tone. Honestly growing a little annoyed with this guessing game of hers.

"The party tonight? How could you forget." I hear her sigh and I can't help but to imagine her pacing back and forth in her room right now. Like she tends to do whenever she's excited about something.

"I guess it just kinda slipped my mind" I say honestly cause it's the truth. Parties aren't really my scene though I like the socializing part. I'm a very social person.

"I don't believe this! Daisy.. Come on..." She stops herself and I hear a sharp intake of breath.

"It's only the biggest party of the year" she adds, and I sigh at that.

"Yeah I remember now.. Patrick's party.." I mumble, not feeling the excitement.

Shit was that tonight.. I can't believe I forgot the date, I thought it was next Friday. I was mentally face palming myself right now. I really need to learn to write things down or put plans directly into my phone calendar.

"But we have this dinner thing with my grandparents tonight" there's no way I am getting out of that, and most certainly not for a party" I explain, somewhat hoping I could actually get out of going to this party. I wouldn't really know anyone else there.

I'm not even allowed to attend anything that involves alcohol and hormonal teenage boys. At least not while still living under my parents roof. The last one I could understand would concern my parents, due the risk of being roofied and/or raped. Parties aren't exactly rape free. Or so I've heard.

"Then I guess you get to work on your excuse for not being able to attend that dreadful family dinner. Text me when it's done with" she says or more like demands and end the call. She tends to be a bit demanding, especially at things like these. She loves a good party.

I walk back downstairs and when get to the living room my dad is gone. I look in the kitchen and, in his bedroom, but his not in either of the rooms.

"Dad?!" I try calling, but get no answer.

Annoyed I go back up to grab my phone and call him.

He answers on the second ring. "Hey, sorry I had to go take care of something at work. I left you a note." He says and I faintly hear the radio playing in the background.

"Oh.. I didn't see the note" I mumble. Not that I was even looking for it.

"Well, it doesn't matter now anyways" he says in a light tone and I imagine him shrugging.

"Did you need something?"

"No I just wanted to talk to you about tonight" I bite at my nails, a nervous habit, as I wait for him to confirm he heard me.

Sweet Innocence | H.SNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ