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Small reminder this story is based on Casper's point of view! Just like the original movie lol

     I lay awake, staring at the celling as if it was a sky of a thousand stars. I can't sleep, I don't know why. I keep having this... vision, A vision about a blue dragon. It wasn't about any scaly and scary dragon, no, this dragon was special. Instead of it being any other stereotypical dragon, this dragon was made up of stars and dreams. It seemed to hate everyone, everyone but.... Thatch 

   I started to wonder, "Why is this dragon only appearing in my dreams? What's the purpose?" I look over to the sarcophagus that Ra sleeps in. Then I look over to Thatch's coffin. "Is it something that's coming to Scare School?" "If so, what does it want from us?--" 

   "Casper? Why are you still up?" A deep but feminine voice calls. I look over to Mantha, my only close friend in the school, along with Ra of course. "I'm sorry-- it's just, I can't sleep, I'm having visions." She snorted, "Visions? Really? Come on Casper, the night before the special announcement?" I look away from her, not with my head but with my eyes. "Hey, whatever's going on you can tell us tomorrow. Now, get some rest, we have a special day tomorrow." Mantha said as she put back on her bed covers. I nod to her, "I-I'll try." I lay back down, knowing it's not even worth it trying to get back asleep. 

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