Part 1

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It was Thursday morning. I woke up with my dog who  licked my face. "OMG Rossa! How time is it? IT'S 8:30!!! No way! Im late... again" I said ang ran to the bathroom. I am starting work at 9 a.m. so i have 30 minutes to go to the park with Rossa and do my makeup, hair and outfit. I took some clothes and 5 minutes later i was in the park with Rossa.
After 15 minutes I was at home again and got dressed for work.
When I locked the door I realized that it started to rain so I grab an umbrella and catched a taxi....

I paid and got out of the taxi when someone pushed me and I missed my Phone. "im so sorry" i heard male voice "are you kidding me!?!!" I yelled before I look at him to see  how handsome is. " ummm... I wanted to say... it's...ok" i answered. " Are you sure?" he asked me " Um yea, it's nothing" i said with a smile" umm ok... By the way im Damiano"he said "Hi Damiano... I'm Y/N" i answered. The time was   8: 57 "It was nice to meet you but  Umm... I have to go" i said "ok bye, I hope I will see you again" I just smiled and opened the cafe's door still looking at him... It will be not a lie if I say that I want to see him again too.


The whole day was normal but I can't stop thinking about the pretty boy who I met. It was like 5 p.m. and that meaned my work for the day is over. I put on my coat and said bye to my fellow.

The rest of the day I spend at home with my dog, watching 'Riverdale', eating pizza and still thinking about... Damiano.

You can read my new fiction about Eurovision;)

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