Chapter 4: I'm back for good

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Chapter 4: I'm back for good

At rahim's place

"That was incredible" rahim says

"It was" Adam gets himself out of the sheets

"Are you going now?" Rahim asked while seating up on his bed

"This was a one night only rahim"

"I-I know but I thought you wanted to hang"

"I'll see you tomorrow at school"

Adam left leaving rahim drowning in his own thoughts

At Milburns

"Dinner's ready" jean announced to the 3 youngsters

Eric, Ruby and Otis sat down on the table with Jean

"Mom where's Jakob and ola?" Otis asked while taking a sip of his water

"Father and daughter time, Eric how was school today?"

"Well it could've been better"

"What happened?" Ruby asked

"I don't want to talk about it"

"No worries Eric imma help you out with whatever is bothering you alright?" Otis says comforting his friend

"Thanks otis, hey but I can see you two are back now isn't?" Eric says with a smile on his face

"Yes we're fortunately for us we worked things out and now we are dating again" ruby says while looking at Otis

"That's right" Otis said

"Well I'm glad you two are now more into a serious relationship" Jean congratulates them

"Thanks Ms.Milburn" ruby says

The four of them kept talking about random stuff

The dinner was over and ruby needed to go to take care of his dad

"Thanks for the dinner"

"No problem darling you can come over whenever you want"

"Bye Eric"

"Bye ruby"

Eric went upstairs and otis & ruby outside

"She's cool Isn't?" Otis asks

"Yeah she is" ruby answers with a giggle

"Thanks for everything I'll see you tomorrow?" Otis stares at her eyes

"You will"



"I love you" otis says with plenty of confidence

"I love you too" Ruby leaned over him and kissed him "see you tomorrow"

With that ruby left milburns and otis goes back inside the house

At aimees

Aimee was studying for this important chemistry test she has next week the most important test from this term, she was thinking about her relationship with Steve, well they were over but she misses him so much

Suddenly she received a message from maeve

Maeve: I'm coming back tomorrow Don't tell anyone

Aimee didn't reply back she was scared of what can maeve do to Otis once she gets to see him again

Short but good

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