Night School

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"Mom! I'm going out!" I yell

"Where are you going?" She asks

"Sleepover at Lydia's." I lied

"At this hour?" She asks

"Look mom, I have to be at her house by 10:30. I have to go bye!" I say before leaving

Once I get to the school, I notice that I'm not the only one there. I see a blue jeep, grey car, and a black Camaro. Nice car, wonder who's it belongs to. I don't see Stiles anywhere so I text him

To: Stiles
"I'm here. Where are you?"

I put my phone in my purse and start my way towards the school. Before I enter the school, I see a trail of blood drops leading to the left side of the school building. I follow the blood drops and when it stops, I'm shocked at what I see. I see a man with a black leather jacket laying in the grass with blood coming out of his mouth and back. I try not to scream in case whoever did this is near by. I quickly run into the school and when the door closes, I hear a click

"Don't tell me I'm locked in here..." I say to myself pulling at the door

"Shit. I'm locked in." I say to myself

I turn around and see the empty hallway in front of me. I call Lydia and Allison to see if they can pick me up but they don't answer. I walk into the dark hallway and try to find Stiles

"Stiles?" I yell troughs the hallway

"Stiles????!" I yell again

"What are we gonna do now Scott? You brought us here for what?" I ask

"Hey, I didn't bring you here. You brought yourself here ok?" He says

"Did you not see what happened to Derek? The Alpha is here Scott!" I yell

"Shh. Do you want anyone to-" Scott starts but is cut off by someone outside

"Stiles????" They say from the hallway

Is that.. no it can't be Hope

"Stiles????" They say again

Oh my gosh it's Hope!

"Is that Hope?!" Scott says

"Yea." I say looking stressed

"What is she doing here? Why did you bring her here Stiles?!" Lydia asks frantically

"Ok first, I don't know what she's doing here and I didn't bring her here." I explain

Then there's a knock on the door

I here talking in the science lab and I here Stiles' voice so I knock on the door. I was right. There's Stiles, Lydia, Allison, Scott and some other dude

"What's going on here?!" I ask

"Uhh... There's something we need to tell you" Stiles says

"You sure she can handle it? How do we know we can trust her? We've only known her one day and you already wanna tell her?!" Scott says

"We can trust her." Stiles says

"Ok but first tell me who that guy is." I say

"I'm Jackson." He says

"Ok, we're hiding from a gigantic alpha that's roaming the school and you guys just decide to hide in here? Shouldn't we call the cops?" Jackson asks

"No." Stiles says

"What do you mean no?!" Jackson asks getting ready to punch him

"I mean no. You wanna hear it in Spanish? No." Stiles says trying to say no in Spanish. It's cute

"Wait, alpha?! What going on?!" I ask wanting an answer

"We'll explain once we get out of here." Allison says

"How?" I ask

"I know how to make a bomb. I just need acid, vinegar, baking soda, and liquid chemicals." Lydia says

We all look at her with a confused look

"What? I may be all style but I an also be smart." She says

"Ok, while she makes that, what are we gonna do about the 20ft tall windows?" Stiles asks sarcastically

"I'll go find another room." I say

"No. Hope it's too dangerous." Scott says

"I don't care. I'll call you guys when I find a room so keep your phones on." I say with a firm voice

With that I leave the room and try to find a different one. I don't even know why I volunteered to do this I do rot even know this school. I turn to go back but then I realized I went to far and lost the room they are all in. I turn back around and go to another hallway. I look for a room when all of a sudden I see red glowing eyes look at me. I hear growling from that direction and the eyes start getting closer and I realize it's running my way. I quickly turn around and run as fast as I could. While I run I grab my phone and call Stiles.

"Did you find a room?" He asks
"Uh.. not really." I say while running
"Hope, are you running away from something?" He asks worried
"Yea. I don't know what it-" I say but then it grabs my foot dropping me to the floor and making me drop my phone
"Hope? Hope!" I hear coming from my phone before I disappear into the dark hallway.

The alpha throws me into a room and transforms back into a human but keeps his claws.

"She has a spitting image of her mother." He says

"How do you know my mother?!" I say

"Oh, you don't know? She never told you?" He asks

"Never told me what?" I say looking confused

"Your father was a wolf just like us, Hope." He says

"But my fathers dead." I say

"I know. Because I killed him. I killed him because he did not join my pack. Now, since I know you have wolf blood inside you, I recommend that you join my pack." He says

"Why would I wanna join your pack?" I ask

"Your father was a very powerful wolf. He was the alpha of his own pack and I thought maybe two alphas in one pack would be even better." He says

"So, will you join my pack?" He asks

"No." I say with more confidence

"What did you just say?" He asks

"I said, no. I'm not joining your pack." I say confidently

"That's your mistake." He says

He grows his claws again and slashes them across my stomach. I cry out in pain as my hands start being covered in blood

"What's your decision now?" He asks

"It's still no. I'm not joining your pack." I say

He growls at me and slashes his claws at my stomach again and on my cheek. I cry out in pain again when I hear someone call my name

"Hope!!" They say as the door bursts open

It's Stiles and Scott. And Scott is a... a werewolf! Now I'm even more freaked out. Scott growls at the alpha and throws him to the wall knocking him out for a while.

"Hope!" Stiles says running towards me

"Stiles, we have to take her to the hospital now, she loosing a lot of blood." Scott says

Stiles picks me up and carries me to his jeep. I stay awake for a while but then everything starts go dark.

"Hope...? Hope! Stay with me..." Is all I hear when everything goes black...

New girl in school (Teen Wolf love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora