Physics Class

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"Looking good, Davis."

"Damn, I've been waiting all summer for this."

I roll my eyes and keep walking down the hall as idiots keep catcalling me left and right.

Someone whistles real loud from behind me. "Shit, should be illegal."

A group of girls a couple of feet away from my locker stare at me before rolling their eyes. They whisper back and forth to each other but I just decide to ignore it while I get into my locker.

Then I hear the clicking of heels on the tile and a pointy nail jab my shoulder. I turn towards the person to see a clearly fake smile plastered on an otherwise beautiful face.

"Hey, Oct, summer treat you well."

I nod, organizing the books in my locker. "Uh-huh." A few seconds of silence pass between us before she clears her throat.

"Well, Darwin is having a back to school hangout for all the seniors and me and the girls would just love it if you came with us."

"Can't," I close my locker, adjusting the tote bag on my shoulder before finally making eye contact with her. "But have fun, Lindsay." And before she can say anything else I walk away.

This is always how the first day of school goes for me... and every other day but usually first days are the worst because people forget how to interact with each other and think they can just do whatever they want.

I rub my lips together, making sure my lipgloss is still there as I pull out my new schedule. I smile softly as I look at my next class.

AP Physics C: Mechanics

I worked so hard to get into this class so to finally be in it is a dream. This is one of the hardest classes this school has to offer so not only will it be interesting but it will also be a great learning environment since no idiots are going to be there trying to flirt with me or talk shit behind my back.

Anyway, it says Room 214 which means it's upstairs.

I put the paper back in my bag then headed towards the stairs near the end of the hall. Most of the advanced and art classes are up here so the atmosphere and people are almost completely different. It's a lot quieter and no one is having a staring contest with my ass so I've always tried to have classes here.

I come to a stop once I reach my classroom and look at the teacher's name outside the window.

Mr. Mac

Ah, and the day just gets better. Mr. Mac is one of the very few teachers at this school that I actually like. We're both judged based on how we look so it's easy to talk and share my issues with him.

"Good morning." I smile as I walk in the class, all eyes land on me and I can feel each and every confused or shocked face.

He looks up from his computer and gives one back. "Morning, Ms. Davis, excited to have you this year."

I nod, trying to ignore my other classmates. "Excited to be here."

He laughs. "I'll try my best to keep it that way then." He motions to the rows of desks in front of us. "It's open seating so sit where you'd like."

"Thank you." I make my way to the back of the class and take a seat then sigh quietly to myself.

I would have preferred the front or second row but I just don't like the feeling of eyes on the back of my head. This way if someone wants to look at me they have to break their neck doing it.

A few more people file in before the bell rings.

I take out all my supplies and get ready for class.

Gah, I can't believe I'm actually here!

"You dropped this."

Taking my eyes from my desk, I find my favorite pen in some random hand. "Oh, thanks." I look up, I make eye contact with them.


I smile softly, taking the pen from his hand. He nods. "No problem." I watch as he takes the seat right in front of me and puts on glasses.

"Now that everyone is here, I'll take role real quick and then we can get started."

I put my elbow on my desk and rest my cheek in my palm as I write the date in my notebook.

I've never seen such pretty eyes. Big brown eyes with long thick eyelashes.

My cheeks begin to feel warm.

I should compliment him- No, guys like him don't go for girls like me. I should just leave it alone.

"Octavia Davis."

I move my hand from my cheek. "Here."

Everyone except Brown eyes takes that as their opportunity to look back at me.

I put my face back in my palm to hide the smile creeping onto my lips.

Well, admiring never hurt anybody.

"Berlyn Sánchez."

"Yeah, I'm here."

I look up in front of me.

That can not be his voice.

It was so smooth and yet kind of raspy.. Wait, that name sounds familiar. Where have I heard it from though?

Could it be... I think I've heard Lindsay and her little group talk about a Berlin before. It's definitely not a common name especially with the lemon pepper school that I go to.

If I remember they were talking about...

I blink a couple times when a paper is suddenly in front of my face. "What's this?"

"Try listening, you would know."

I make a stank face as I look over at Berlin. "Okay." I snatch the paper out of his hands and slap it on my desk.

Unfazed, he turns back around in his chair and looks up at the board.

This only makes me more irritated.

What the hell was that? Why did turn into a dick outta nowhere? 

Then I remember what  I heard about him and I click my tongue. 

And suddenly I've lost interest. 

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