Rumored Partner

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A year ago

I close my locker to come face to face with Lindsay and her followers. 

What do they want now?

"Hey, Oct, you'll never guess."

"I don't care."

"Well, I was just talking to Ashley Waters and she hooked up with this guy who is a total nerd, like AP classes and everything." 

I sighing, leaning against my locker. "Oh, why would she ever do that Lindsay." The faster she talks, the faster I can leave. 

"Apparently, she wanted to get with Brian Meyers but he doesn't mess with virgins. So she had to find someone to do the deed with and they live in the same neighborhood so they see each other often. Plus losing your virginity to a nerd seems like really smart. That way when you find yourself a hot guy like Brian sex will be like less overwhelming ya know." 

I rub my lips against each other before making a pop sound with them. "Is that all you wanted to tell me?" 

She giggles, causing the others around her to follow suit. "No, silly, it gets better. So she got close to him and they did it and then she finally get with Brian, right."

"Oh my gosh, then what?" The girl with pigtails standing beside Lindsay says.

She smiles. "I'm getting there Clair." Then she clears her throat as the girl shrinks into herself. "Anyway, she gets with Brian and finally does the dirty with him, and can you believe it, she said he like was not good like at all."

"Oh my god, really?"

"For real." 

"Wait, you mean the Meyers was bad!?"

Her groupie all chimes in at once. 

Lindsay nods. "Right. So it gets crazier. The nerd that she lost her virginity to was actually good, really good." 

The girls gasp while I sigh. 

I honestly don't know why they are surprised, one guy is conceited and only cares about himself while the other really liked the girl he was doing it with and wanted to make her feel good. It's pretty obvious who was bad and good. 

"She didn't know what to do so she came to me and some other girls for advice but it just made things worse because then girls started going to that nerd for sex."

"So what happened after that?" Clar was just eating this up but she's always been one for gossip.

"He got cocky and started playing with so many of them."

We all made a disgusted look but I could tell mine was for different reasons. "Right, can you believe it. A nerd like him."

"Anyway Ashley couldn't handle the embarrassment so she made it seem like the nerd was trying to ruin her relationship with Brian and everyone stopped messing with him."

Good, one thing I hate more than these fake popular people is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I thought he cared about her and wouldn't been heartbroken but it's obvious they used each other. At least with jocks they make it abundantly clear what assholes they are. But guys like that so sneaky and manipulate. Even if it's with girls who aren't the best people it's just wrong.

The girls all 'ooo'ed and Lindsay nods.

I glance between all the girls as I take in all the information. "Who's this guy anyway?"

"Oooo, is Oct interested?"

I roll my eyes at her but she giggles continues on. "Well, if you're that curious his name is Berlin Sánchez."


So that's the infamous Berlin Sandez, huh. I can't believe I thought he was cute at first. A dick like that, definitely not my type. I'll make sure to stay clear of him.

"Now, that everyone is here I would love to welcome you all to AP Physics C: Mechanics. This is a college accredited class as long as you guys decide to take and pass the exam at the end of the semester."

I smile softly as I nod at Mr. Mac's words. I've worked so hard to get into this class so to finally be here is a dream.

"First, a little warning, this isn't going to be the easiest thing to learn but hopefully if my teaching skills aren't to bad I'll be able to guide you to victory."

We all giggle at that as he gives a great big smile. "But with all that said, here's to a successful and fruitful year!"

We all cheer and clap at his wonderful speech and he nods then bows causing us to laugh.

"Alright, now made class begin!"

The rest of the class period was spent going over the syllabus that was passed out earlier. It was a good to go over all the things we'd be doing for the next couple months and I am super excited for it. The only thing I'm not to thrilled about is the amount of group projects.

Although I've never cared about others opinions and how they view me I also understand that just about everything in this classroom believes that I don't belong here or that I'm not as capable as them.

I sigh to myself as I think about all this.

But you know what that's okay I came all this way not giving a fuck so I just have to keep doing what I've been doing and prove them wrong.

"Alright, we're just about wrapped up so all we have to do is assign books and group partners for the year."

I hope my partner won't be too difficult. No, let's be optimistic. We'll be compatible and might even become the best of friends.

"First the books, you guys can pick up one and write down the number of your textbook next to your name on this sheet here."

I get up with everyone else and head to grab a book.

We'll have slumber parties where we braid each other's hair and share our deepest memories and secrets.

I open one up to find my 014. I smile softly as I relax. My lucky number. I head over to the paper and write 14 next to my name before taking my seat.

Then we'll end up going to the same college and become long time friends whose kids will grow up together and become friends as well.

Once I'm seated I wait for everyone else as I look over my syllabus again.

Yes, it's going to be a great year, I have nothing to worry about.

"Okay, now to the list of groups. To start this is completely randomized and no you cannot trade partners. If you end up with someone you don't prefer you must work it out. This is an extremely important skill we must learn as we move along in life, okay guys. Trust me, im helping you in the long run."

As he start listing names off I think about all the amazing things I'm going to learn and it makes me feel even better about the partnership. And after all that I'm put at complete ease.

"And lastly, Octavia Davis and.."

I perk up at my name. Okay, Universe give me your worse.

"Berlin Sánchez."

My face drops. "What?" We say in unison.

Then the bell rings.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2022 ⏰

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