Tiny Hand in Mine

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Tiny Hand in Mine

Chloe was speeding. She was very tempted to use the siren, but she wasn't going to do that yet. Trixie needed her, but she was in the hospital and she was safe. She had gotten the call when she was halfway to an important meeting. Trixie had told her that very morning that she had an upset stomach, and she was kicking herself now for making her go to school. She just thought it was because she had found her up in the middle of the night sneaking a piece of cake. She wasn't a good mother at all.

Now her poor baby was in the hospital with an extreme case of Appendicitis about to get her Appendix removed. She was all alone, and she was cursing herself. She had called Dan, and she knew that he couldn't get there in time, he was too far away. Then there were Lucifer, they had started a relationship, but he couldn't be counted on for things like this. He said he could, but when she called him the first time she went to voice mail, and now every time she calls him it goes to voicemail. That angered her as well, did he see her calling and turn the phone off, or worse was he seeing it was her and just refusing to answer. She put her foot down on the gas, it still was going to take an hour to get there, but she would get there. She just hoped her daughter could forgive her.


This was too much. Was this what it was like to be a father, because if it was he was going to kill someone before the day was out. He was upset because Chloe wasn't working today, she was going out of town on something someplace. He wasn't really listening. Things were going good with them, she was over the whole you're the devil thing, and well she liked him. He thought that maybe she loved him, but she had yet to tell him, but he had told her time and time again. He understood though, it probably would take longer than a year to admit you literally in love with the devil. That was beyond the point. His problem was the call he got about an hour ago.

"Hello." He answered.

"Is this Lucifer Morningstar?" the nurse asked in disbelief.

"Why yes darling it is, what can I do for you?" Lucifer practically purred.

"I'm here at Providence Holy Cross Medical Center and I'm calling because we are admitting a Beatrice Espinoza."

"What?" he was immediately on alert. What had happened to the young one?

"You seem to be a recently added name to her Emergency Contact. Now her mother has been contacted, but she going to be going into surgery soon. Now she is very afraid, and she doesn't want to be alone, so if you could just.......

"Where is she?" he shouted in the young nurse's face.

How did you get here so fast?" asked the stunned nurse.

"That is not important what has happened to the tiny human?" he shouted.

They had explained everything that was about to happen and well he didn't like it one bit. They were going to slice her open and remove something. Take out a part of her, and just throw it away, and he was supposed to believe that was perfectly safe.

"Lucifer is mommy here yet? Are you going to let them do it, they're going to cut me open!" she stated rising in hysteria.

Lucifer wouldn't let on that he himself was starting to fill the anxiety rising, and he wished that Chloe would hurry up. He was not ready for this, but he needed to realize that this was part of being in a relationship with a single parent. Chloe was always talking about how she was afraid to leave he and Trixie alone because out of the two of them, Beatrice was the adult. This was his moment. He could be a good dad, he just had to do this opposite of his own father. He had to channel his, he couldn't believe he was thinking this, but he had to channel the Dan in him.

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