Chapter 2: Revelations

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Reaching the Land of Waves border was a long trip with the kids constantly bickering after Naruto's stunt. Still, eventually, after the kids tired out, Javen could tilt his head back and close his eyes, letting the mist of this land wash over his cheeks. Finally, he was relaxed... well, at least until Naruto threw a kunai into the bushes. Javen jumped slightly; his guard was previously lowered due to Kakashi being around.

Javen moved to the side of the group, separating himself from his peers. He didn't think that Naruto was correct, but the hairs on his neck stood up, so he wanted to check. To his surprise, when he jumped into the trees, he found himself face to face with an ANBU mask, and for a second, he forgot he wasn't wearing his own.

Javen moved slowly as he looked down at Kakashi. He didn't want to risk moving too fast and spooking the ANBU. Kakashi met eyes with him and then looked past Javen to the branches where the ANBU was. There was a slight movement past Kakashi on the other side of the path. There was a man, behind the mist, with some sort of sword.

Even as the man raised his sword, throwing it, Javen made no move to protect any of the kids. He would only make a move if he felt like the kids couldn't handle what came next. So, he watched; watched as the man threw his sword and then seemingly vanished from the mist; he was just standing in. Finally, Javen watched as the blade landed right above his sister's head, and Sasuke forced Naruto's head so the blond would duck as well.

He only moved when the man that previously disappeared reappeared on a branch above the kids. Zabuza. He knew this man; of course, any ANBU with any training would. He was known as the Demon of the Hidden Mist. Javen moved to stand by Kakashi's side. Kakashi gave him an all-knowing look, the one that screamed, 'this is a bad situation.'

Zabuza was famous for killing over a hundred academy students while he, too, was just a kid. So Zabuza definitely rivaled Kakashi in power and maybe even Javen as well.

Kakashi lifted his headband, revealing that he, too, had a Sharingan. Javen glanced at Sasuke, the Uchiha was rightfully confused and upset, but this was not the time or place to stop and comfort the boy or explain why Kakashi had the eye of the Uchiha clan. Instead, Javen would stay by Kakashi's side in this fight, not interfering unless he was asked to or his sister was in danger. Zabuza seemed to recognize that Javen would not move toward him and smiled.

"For a Jonin, you seem reserved. I trust you will not interfere? A one-on-one fight is preferable for me anyways."

There was something about Zabuza's voice that made Javen worry for Kakashi. Still, nonetheless, Javen nodded in agreement to Zabuza's statement, "You have it correct. I will not interfere unless asked or if you intend to harm the kids. I am under Kakashi's orders and will not get in his way."

Kakashi nodded thanks to Javen even though Javen could tell that part of Kakashi wished it would be a 2v1 battle, so it would be in their favor. With the reassurance from both of the Jonin, Zabuza and his sword disappeared from above the kids. The fight moved to the water just down the path. Mist filled the air, and Javen immediately moved up to the trees again, trying desperately to ignore the other ANBU perched in the trees as well. The other seemed to be just observing as well, and Javen assumed they were a Hunter-nin. They were probably originally there to kill and collect Zabuza's body, but having Kakashi wear him down or kill him himself would be the most straightforward course of action.

Javens attention turned back to the fight when a clone of Zabuza appeared in front of the kids. Javen supposed that this tactic made sense. Zabuza's goal was most likely to wipe out the group as a whole; taking out the kids while Kakashi was fighting and Javen was distracted would be an easy way to get this over quick. Javen immediately deserted his post at the tree to step in front of Naruto, blocking the kick Zabuza had just made towards the blond.

Pink Fox [Sakura's Brother: A Naruto Fan Fiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora