How They Met

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It was a pretty average day in their tiny apartment. Maou was off at work, Ashiya was researching at the library, and Urushihara was sitting at his laptop playing Minecraft. He wasn't doing much in the game, just building some pixel art of the Pokemon rivals. He was currently working on Wally, who was almost complete at this point. Suddenly someone joined his world, someone by the name of MamaLuigi027.

MamaLuigi027: Hi! :)

Urushihara decided to interact with them.

DemonTrap666: hi

MamaLuigi027: Your pixel art is very good.

DemonTrap666: thanks

MamaLuigi027: Wally is my favorite rival!

DemonTrap666: I prefer Silver

MamaLuigi027: He's good too, but Wally is just so cute!

DemonTrap666: true, but it almost made me feel bad for beating him. I don't like that.

MamaLuigi027: Fair. Also same. I just wanna hug him every time he loses to me T~T

DemonTrap666: meanwhile with Silver you just wanna beat his ass every time you see him LOL

MamaLuigi027: TRUTH! No one hurts/mistreats their Pokemon on my watch!

DemonTrap666: yeah

DemonTrap666: hey you got Discord or something?

MamaLuigi027: Yeah

The two of them became friends on Discord and spent the rest of the day chatting and sending memes, before going to bed late at night. It had been a good day for Urushihara, and the beginning of something more between the two.

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