27. Draco malfoy x reader

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Another year at Hogwarts. You entered the grand castle and an overwhelming feeling of comfort and warmth washed over you. You were finally at home, in your happy place. No matter what happened here, how much stress some days brought you, Hogwarts was home. You met all your closest friends here and not to mention, your boyfriend.

You and Draco had been together for almost a year. You had started to date during your fifth year at Hogwarts after sharing a few glances during your Defense Against the Dark Arts class and then hooking up immediately after that class in an empty classroom. It was unconventional the way you and Draco got together, needless to say, but you both cared for each other so much.

However, you couldn't get over the fact that Draco didn't write you the whole summer. You wrote to him and expected at least one letter back, but you got nothing. Draco didn't send one letter, one owl, one sign to show you that he was thinking of you. You would just hear through the grapevine that he was out and about, but always too busy to send you a letter saying that he missed you. The fact that he just ignored you the whole summer was infuriating. How could you be with someone who couldn't bother to check in on you?

After unpacking your things, you didn't bother searching for Draco. If he wanted to see you, he was going to have to find you himself. Not to mention explain his reasoning for being so absent this summer.

You make your way through the halls of Hogwarts before running into Hermione Granger. You wouldn't consider yourself close friends with the Gryffindor, but you were friendly with each other after being partners in Herbology. "Hey, stranger," you smile at her as she embraces you in a tight hug. "Did you have a good summer?"

Hermione releases you from her iron grip hug and beams, "It was great. Spent a lot of it writing to Harry and Ron. I feel like we oddly became closer because of how much we all wrote to each other."

You swallow your anger with Draco and smile. "Sounds lovely. I wish I was writing to more people over the summer," you admit to her.

She furrows her brows. "Really? I assumed that you and Draco would have written each other over the summer. A whole summer without seeing each other is a long time, especially for a relationship," she rubs your arm, trying to comfort you, but it really feels like she's rubbing salt in your very open, very fresh wound.

"Yeah, I thought so too," you huff. "I'm just really mad at him. Did I really not cross his mind once this summer? I get it, he didn't want to put a label on our relationship if we were just gonna end up leaving each other for the summer, but Merlin I thought things were different between us. I stand corrected."  Hermione looks at you sadly. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). Not that I'm trying to defend him or anything, but maybe he has an excuse for not writing you. Do you think that maybe he got caught up in family bus-"

"(Y/N)!" a voice interrupts Hermione.

Looking behind Hermione, you see no other than Draco himself at the other end of the hall. He has a huge smile plastered on his face as he stands before you looking handsome as ever in a black suit and black turtleneck. But you weren't going to let yourself get distracted with how handsome he looked. As he walked over to you, you angrily stomped towards him, excusing yourself from you and Hermione's conversation.

Draco beams, "I missed you."

"Save it, Malfoy. So you just weren't going to write me the whole summer? You were just going to ignore me and pretend like I didn't exist? Because I surely didn't forget about you! I wrote you every week and I got nothing from you! How dare you just come back here and think that I'm going to run into your arms like nothing happened, you prick!" you yell at him as you march to him down the hall. Draco's smile does leave his face as you angrily yell at him, earning stares from first year students. "Just because your family has power doesn't mean I knock your teeth in, Malfoy! You slimy, jealous, egotistical, foul little son of a-"

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