Chapter 18

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Livia's POV

"Guys, let's go doing something." Louis said, "we haven't done anything all weekend." he complained.

"What do you want to do then, Louis?" Zayn asked.

"I think we should go bowling or something." Louis answered.

"Sounds good with me." Karlee said, and everyone else replied with some form of 'yes'. We all jumped into the car quickly and we headed to the closest bowling alley.

"I'm so going to win!" Louis yelled, while running into the building.

"I swear, that boy is crazy. How is he possibly the oldest, it just doesn't make sense?" I asked.

"Oh, Liv you know there are times you just have to feel like a kid sometimes. Be immature, and have a little funny." Karlee said.

"Karlee, you are just like that all the time. You should actually try to be mature some time. It's not as hard as you think." I told her, and everyone let out an 'ohhh'. And Karlee let out a quiet 'whatever'.

We finally got all of our ugly bowling shoe on and found a ball, and started our game. We decided to do teams, so all the couples paired up, and at the moment Karlee and Niall are winning. I swear they are the most competitive people I know.

"Yeah buddy!" Niall said coming back to his, he just got a strike. At this rate, they are going to win.

"Good job, babe." Karlee said, sitting on his lap and kissing his cheek.

"Thanks. If we win, I'll take you shopping and I will get you whatever you want." Niall said to her.

"Are you bribing me, Horan?" She asked, but before he could answered, she added, "but I'm one hundred percent in."

"Great, everyone should give up now. Karlee is going to make sure she wins, she loves shopping more than any other person I know." I told everyone. Eventually all the boys promised each girl something, and now the game was getting intense.

"YES!!! Another strike!" Karlee said, high-fiving Niall.

"Ok, Liv if you get a strike, we will win. No pressure though." Liam told me, smiling at the last part of his sentence.

"Wow, ok thanks. Give me stress about a stupid game." I told him. Everyone gasped.

"It's not a stupid game!" They all yelled at me, at the same time. I quickly put my hands up.

"I'm sorry! Ok no pressure." I picked up my ball and made it to the front of the lane. I got into stance, and pulled my ball back. And as I was about to let go of my ball, Karlee and Niall screamed at the top of their lungs, making me through my ball straight into the gutter.

"YES! We won!" Karlee and Niall yelled, then they kissed each other.

"Aww, aren't you guys just cute, and you're cheaters!!!" I yelled at them both. The look on their face completely changed to excited to almost shocked/ angry. "Is everything ok?" I asked them.

"Yeah, everything's just fine." Niall said looking over at Liam, almost disappointed. Something is going on, that I don't know about.

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