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I wake up cuddle next to Jaden I look up and see I'm naked and he is to I cheek the time and see it's 6:30 perfect time

I get up and go back to my room and get changed and take a shower and put on some normal clothes
(Btw it's July) pretend it is)

1 month more her

I then go to the mall with the girls

"Jadens POV"

I woke up and remembered what I did last night holy shit I fucked Emilia

I then walk downstairs and see the boys looking at me


Josh:you fucked her didn't you

Jaden:wha- yea I did

Bryce:we know you like her

Jaden:but I'm still in love with Mads

Kio:seriously man she's cheated on you 5 times you look at that girl like your in love with her

Noah:ask her out dude

Blake:if you brake her your dead

Jaden:geez okay I'll come up with a idea

Xoxo Isabella

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