Chapter 1:The essay

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Marinette's POV:

I Finally finished the essay that may or may not win my class a trip too Gotham

" Little sister bedtime" My brother ray said holding Tay and Dom in his arms

"I finally finished this fucking essay" I said not caring that I cursed since Ray allows me too

"Good for you now post it so you can rest" Ray said yawning" alright night Ray" " night sis"

Ray walked to Tay's room and tucked her in then headed to Dom's room and tucked him in before going to his room and heading to sleep

Ray walked to Tay's room and tucked her in then headed to Dom's room and tucked him in before going to his room and heading to sleep

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Tay's room

Dom's room

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Dom's room

And Ray's room

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And Ray's room

I yawned and closed my laptop but not without summiting the essay

I headed to my room and tucked myself in before falling asleep

I headed to my room and tucked myself in before falling asleep

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