icy cold

1.4K 31 0

( jordan is in maya room about to tell her)

jordan: mommy

maya: yes baby

jordan: we ran out of lucky charms can you go buy more

maya: yeah sure( gets ready to leave)

maya: ASIA!

asia: yeah

maya: i have to go to the store you are in charge no noise in my house when im gone

asia: ok ( smiles)

maya: be back in a few( leaves)

asia:lets get this plan in action

jordan: step 1 mommy face cream( grabs it

asia: step 2 mix tooth paste ( mixes it in)

jordan: step3 hair cream

asia: step 4 mix glue in it ( mixes it in)

jordan: step 5

asia: we not gonna do step 5 until mom gets in the shower

jorden: ok this is a good plan

asia: yep

30 min later maya comes in the house

maya: im back

jordan: yeah lucky charms!!

maya: imma take a shower than make dinner

jordan: ok

asia : time for step 5

( maya in the shower )

asia: ready bro

jordan: been ready sis

( asia switches the water)

maya( SCREAMS !!!!!!! and hops out the shower with her towel on

asia: mommy whats wroung( acting)

maya: the water changed it was freezing cold

asia: oh imma go check and see ( switch it back)

asia: it was on freezing cold

maya: how , it was on hot ?

asia: idk ( leaves with jordan)

jordan: 1 down 2 to go when should we do the other 2

asia: mommy puts her face cream and hair cream on on in the morning

jordan: mommy gonna be screaming tomorrow ( high fives asia)

asia: yeah( hi fives back)

maya comes down stairs

maya: what yall want for dinner

jaylen: pizza

bella: spaghetti

jaliyah: pizza

jordan: chinese food

asia: pizza

maya: pizza won

bella, jordan: awww man!!

maya calls pizza

pizza man: order

maya: 1 peperoni and 1 chesse

pizza man: be their in 10 min( hangs up)

maya: im still trying to figure out how did the water change from hot to freezing cold

jordan: maybe one of us accidentally bump in to it

asia: yeah maybe

( door bell rings )

pizza man: $20. 45

maya: ( hands the money)

pizza man: thank you have a good night

maya: you too

( the kids and maya ate then went to sleep)

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