A New Father

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As they were leaving the mall. Al Capone and his men are taking Lincoln, Leni, Lucy, Lisa and Lily back to the limousine so they could take them to their new home.

But when they were about to get into the limousine, the Loud family was waiting for them to cause more trouble

Mobster #1: You kids get behind us

Mobster #2: We'll take care of this

Mobster #3: Boss, we're ready to release the Rottweilers on your command

Al Capone: Be ready

Mobster #4: What do you want now?

Lynn: You hit our dad and made our mom cry

Mobster #1: We don't care, they're a sorry excuse of parents

Lori: Shut up

Luna: Come on old man, you're afraid to fight us

Al Capone: You wanna do it now, you wanna do it right here right now

Luan: Come on, you grease ball

Al Capone: What?! You talk to me like that in front of my kids, fuck you, you Bugs Bunny knock off, release the Rottweilers

In that moment, Al Capone's men released the Rottweilers and they began to attack but Lynn dodged them and was ready to hit Lincoln with her baseball.

Lincoln grabbed a gun from one of the mobster's trench coat and shot her in the leg.

Lynn: Ahhh, you bastard

Lincoln: No you're the true bastard, be grateful that I didn't shoot both of your legs

Mobster #4: Well done kiddo

Lincoln: Thanks, here's your gun back

Al Capone: I'm going to call in a favor, let's go

Everybody went back to the limousine and drove the police department. Lincoln thought that this was suicide because his uncle is a criminal but when he entered the chief's office, he saw that the chief of police is actually an old friend of his from childhood.

Chief Masai: Hello Al, Long time no see

Al Capone: I know old friend, it's been years

Chief Masai: What can I do for you? Did the IRS got to you again

Al Capone: Nope, it's about child neglect and abuse

Chief Masai: Tell me

Al Capone: My nephew Lincoln, has been abused and neglected all for bad luck, he was forced to wear a squirrel costume for weeks

Chief Masai: I'll send a team to arrest them

The police went to Loud house and arrested the parents and older sisters for abusing, while the young ones are placed in foster.

Lynn Sr: Don't think that you won

Luan: We'll be back

Chief Masai: Don't worry they always say it

Al Capone: Yep, well let's go home

Inside the limousine, Lincoln and his four sisters were grateful that they would have a new life peacefully.

Lincoln: Thanks dad, sorry I didn't mean to say it

Al Capone: Don't worry kiddo, I don't mind

Leni: Really?

Al Capone: Of course, plus I grew fondly of you

The five siblings hugged their new adoptive father with joy in their hearts.

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