Chapter 61: Azhu

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"She invited Comrade Ye, Ye Zi and the factory from City A to expand its scope in Hong Kong City, thanks to her. The design drawings she drew and the clothes she made were very popular."

Ye Zi glanced at the director and felt that the director's words were too exaggerated.

Of course, Ye Zi knew very well that the businessman's words must not be believed. They can easily exaggerate one thing.

After introducing Ye Zi to Han Yuhang, the director also introduced Han Yuhang to Ye Zi.

"This is the young owner. In the future, you should study hard with the young master, strive to draw better works, and talk about another business for the textile factory."

What he said is the truth. At the beginning, the factory director took the decision, selected Comrade Ye's design drawings, made them into finished products, and developed faster towards Hong Kong City. He successfully signed cooperation with Hong Kong City. In the past, he made small achievements in Hong Kong City, hawkers, but now it is well known to everyone. Many female singers have recognized the textile factory as leaving the factory. The brand of.

Previously, when people from Hong Kong City came to Shanghai, they would only choose some of their favorite fabrics and also had to suppress prices. Since the new clothing samples, the style has changed greatly and they are not afraid of pressing goods when they take the fashion route, so that more merchants in Hong Kong City can get finished clothes and cloth from textile factories.

The director waved his hand to the female team leader while they were not paying attention.

The female team leader would care and soon left their sight.

Of course, with his little thought, how can he hide it from everyone's eyes?

In particular, Han Yuhang, opened one eye and closed the other.

Ye Zi works with Han Yuhang every day. Of course, this is what outsiders know. Han Yuhang usually does not often appear in the factory. Anyway, no one dares to take care of it. Who let him be the son of the factory director and the young owner?

Han Yuhang impatiently shook Azhu's hand and roared at her, "Let go quickly. This is a factory. Don't pull it. What if people see a misunderstanding?"

As soon as Zhu came back, she came to the factory to pester him. It was really annoying. Why didn't she stay outside for a few more days?

Zhu still wanted to come forward, but was blocked by him. "Cusin, we are cousins. What are afraid of? I don't care. I'm going to be with you."

A Zhu took the opportunity to take Han Yuhang's arm with both hands.

When Han Yuhang heard his aunt's name, he was immediately cowardly, but when he looked at Azhu's eyes, his heart was panicked. His eyes could not wait to take him for himself, and he trembled when he thought about it.

Ye Zi happened to have something to do with Han Yuhang. When she held a pile of cloth in her arms and walked to the stairs, she saw a girl's back. She was very familiar and couldn't see her face. Ye Zi didn't want to disturb her, but someone pushed a detoxified cloth truck and hit her from the side, and took the opportunity to disperse the cloth she brought back from the workshop. The things on the poisonous truck were held by a female worker with their hands, but they were intact. The female worker apologized to Ye Zi, "I'm sorry, we didn't mean to. The cloth pile was too high to see people clearly at all."

The female worker looked at Ye Zi apologetically, "I'm really sorry, I can't help you pick it up."

Indeed, as long as she let go of her hand, everything will break up. The people of this kind of trolley, with three wheels, can't let go, and they have been supporting them halfway.

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