Chp. 2: Preparing for Departure

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In a large warehouse, the sparks of an acetylene torch fly as workmen made modifications on several vehicles, including a dark-green Mercedes Benz all-activity vehicle. The hood of the AAV was up its as v-6 engine was pulled out, a new, smaller engine lowered in its place. On one side were two long trailers that were connected by an accordion-like passageway, similar to that of a subway car, which allowed one to be towed behind the other. The warehouse hummed with activity as the workmen scrambled to meet their deadline. Victoria made her entrance in the building not too long ago, Eddie Carr confronting her about her sudden rush to leave for Site B.

"You can't shave three days off my deadline and expect everything to be ready," he said as she tried to phone her girlfriend with a satellite phone. "We're not fully supplied, and I haven't field tested any of this!"

"Damn it!" Victoria exclaimed as she reluctantly hung up the phone. "Why is she not picking up?"

"Could be anything," Eddie answered. "Solar flares, a satellite out of synch. It's not exactly a local call."

"Let me talk to your communications designer."

"I am the communications designer."

While Victoria and Eddie went back and forth, a battered, white car roared through the door of the garage, pulling in backwards and coming to a stop in the middle of the floor. Nick van Owen hopped out in a crabby mood.

"It's four-to-three Mets in the sixth," he announced, "for anybody else who's got money on it. Thanks for the two-minute warning Eddie. Where the hell is the fire?"

The man slid open the cargo door of the van before unloading photographic equipment – video cameras, cables, metal supply cases, etc.

"Nick van Owen," Eddie said as he introduced him to Victoria, "Victoria Monét. Nick's our field photographer. Dr. Monét's our...uh...nemesis."

"What's your background?" Victoria asked. "Wildlife photography?"

"Wildlife, combat, you name it," Nick answered as he continued to unload his van. "When I was with Nightline, I was in Rwanda, Chechnya, all over Bosnia. I try to do some volunteer for Greenpeace once in a while."

"Greenpeace," Victoria said as she pulled out her cellphone. "What drew you there?"

"Women," Nick smirked.

"Noble," Victoria chuckled.

"Noble was last year," Nick said. "This year I'm getting paid. Fischbach's check cleared, or I wouldn't be going on this wild goose chase."

Nick looked at her unconvinced.

"Where we're going," Victoria said, "that's the only place in the world where the geese chase you."

The man only chuckled as he continued what he was doing. A large, metal cage suddenly came crashing down from the ceiling before landing on the floor right between the two of them with a deafening clang. Victoria and Nick leaped back and looked up, seeing a workman wave from a scaffolding.

"Sorry!" he exclaimed. "Specs say it can't deform at 12,000 PSI, Eddie. We had to test it."

"What the hell is that?" Victoria asked as Eddie bent down to inspect it.

"It's a high hide," Eddie answered. "This cage goes up on top of a fifteen-foot titanium scaffold. Keeps the researchers out of harm's way."

"Perfect biting height..." Victoria mumbled to herself, "...look, our charter leaves in three hours. If all of this isn't ready, just leave it. I wanna talk to whoever's in charge of security. Weapons, guns. Who's doin' that?"

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