Chapter 1

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Third POV:

Kazai was walking through the trees with his four bestfriends; Tohru, Yato, Casper, and Mira. They all are around 8 and they know the dangers of going outside this deep in the forest.

There is a legend saying to "Not go into the deep mysterious forest. No man.. will come.. out ALIVE." Of course to Kazai he didn't believe it. So he dragged all his friends with him. "Kazai-San...I just heard a weird noise.." The soft voice said of Casper Yusuki.

"Oh stop being a scaredy-cat Casper-San! This isn't even scary." Kazai barked back at him. Kazai was fearless. He wasn't scared of anything! Explained why he was leader of the group.

A owl hooting, the branches swinging, the kids scared. Well except for Kazai. They kept walking. Mira turned her head and saw red eyes hiding in the bush. She jumped on Yato and held him close sobbing, "YATO-SAN IM SCARED!...-"

"It's okay Mira-Chan..lets just keep going. Kazai has been wanting to do this.." He said. He didn't want to admit he was terrified.

A large scream was heard. Kazai looked back and saw Yato was gone. So was Mira. "Where did those two go?!" He yelled at Tohru and Casper.

"I don't kno-" Tohru said before getting dragged into the nearby bush.

Kazai jumped back and so did Casper. They both were scared. Kazai was actually scared. Both boys shaking the turned around and ran back home. "RUN FASTER CASPER!" Kazai yelled.

"I'm g-going!.." he sobbed back. Casper was use to Kazais adventures, but this one terrified him!

The finally arrived home. "Where is Mira and the two boys?" Kazais mother asked. She was always dealing with Kazais baby brother, and she always payed attention to Kazais friends. But never him.

"I don't k-know mother!" He cried. He felt Caspers hand go on top of his, it was warm but shaking.

They were both sent to bed and Casper sat infront of Kazai and cried. "I miss them..." he said repeating himself over and over again.

"We can't save them! I'm sorry..." he said glaring up at Casper.

They both went to bed, cuddled up together on a sleeping mat. It was small. But Kazais family was rich. So why was Kazai on a sleeping mat? He was sorta the hated child, Casper on the other hand has his own room but decides to sleep with Kazai. Caspers parents died by demons so Kazais family took him in, those two are brothers but it seems like it.

The next morning Kazai woke up and didn't feel Casper. He rubbed his eyes and jumped up. He walked downstairs and it was all dark. He rubbed his eyes some more and turn on the light. He couldn't believe what he saw. It was...

"B-but you c-can't!.."Where stories live. Discover now