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I quickly make my way downstairs to the conference room. I know this place like the back of my head so there's no issue of me finding the conference room. But there's about 20 people on my floor alone and when the boss calls, it's like someone started a fire.

We're almost certain he fired someone for being late to 1 meeting. I don't plan on being the one to confirm that.

I walk into the room, finding a spot to lean against the wall as others pour in.

"Alright everyone I'm gonna make this quick so listen up," He says, motioning towards the newbie. "This is Mike O'Brian, he'll be part of the IT department. Make sure to greet him before you leave. Also Barb it's your turn to get coffee this week."

The room devolves into chatter as we unanimously consider this our first break of the day. I watch as people gradually leave, continuing their conversations as they return to their floor when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn and look down to see the new guy. He's a bit shorter than me but he's not a scrawny guy either. Just looks like your average office worker, save for his casual attire.

"Hey you're Alex, right?" He asks.
I nod. "Yeah. How do you know my name?"
Mike points his thumb behind him. "Boss wants you to show me around the office."


I sigh and lead him around the building, contemplating spamming our boss's email later. It takes us over an hour before we finally reach the IT department and I'm ready to give up and call it a day.

"And this, Mike, is where you'll question life choices as you learn just how many ways a single person can screw up their computer." What can I say, I'm not gonna be subtle about this stuff. You try using a compressed air as a makeshift extinguisher when someone overheats their computer to the point it actually catches fire. Not fun, I'll tell you that much.

"Sweet! And where do you work?" He asks.

"Next floor up, you'll know my space when you see it. See you later." I'm not trying to be rude but I really need to go back to my desk so I can be semiproductive for the next 4-ish hours.

"Can't talk. Gotta work."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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