firsy day of school

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wildcats sing along
they really got it going on
wildcats in the house
everybody sing out .....

as me and troy got of the bus i saw chad playing around with some cheerleaders until he saw us and came over to us and flng he arm around our sholders

"dyl, troy. how ya doing man" chad said

"hey chad whats up" troy said back to him

"hey man" i said with a cheecky smile on my face

"hey guys happy new year" me and troy said at the same time making everyone cheer

"yeah its going to be a happy wildcat year" chad said "bneause in two weeks were going to the champion shipswith you too leading us to infinity and beyond"

"what team" someone shouts

"wildcats" everyone shouted

"what team"



as we all walked into school sharpey evans and her brother ryan evans barged through all of us but not without sharpey and ryan talking to me. me and ryan are friends? i think. sharpey is all right i guess

"hey dylan" ryan says

"oh hey ryan" i say back to him

"hey dyl" sharpey says flurtatiously as the boys behind me laughed

"hey sharpey" i say blandly and after that her and ryan leave

"the ice princess has returned from the north pole" zeek says as everyone laughs 

"she probablely spent the holidays like she always does" chad said

"hows that?" zeek said

"shopping for mirrors" me and chad said at the same time

"ohh!" everyone chorsed


walking into mrs darbus' class is always fun. theres all your friends just chilling

"troy! dyl! hey!" a guy said

"hey" we said

but in the middle of that convosation i heard a voise that was a little to familier to me. gabriella.

"excuse me" she said going past sharpey

"hi dylan" sharpey said as she sat down infront of me

"hi" i said back to her not wanting to be rude. but she goes to her own seat when the bell rings

"i trust you all had splendid holidays. check the sign-up sheets in the lobby for new activities. mr bolton" mrs darbus said

"yes" both me and troy saiud at the same time

"dylan i suspect you know how to sit on a chair" mrs d said

"no mrs i forgot can you show me how?" i said sarcastically making everyone exept taylor McHessy and mrs darbus laugh

"now mr bolton no sarcasm. now continuing especially our winter musicale. we will have single auditions..." mrs D said

"hey you ok?" chad asked slightly worried

"yeah, yeah fine" i said resuring him that i was really fine

" and pairs auditions for our two leads" mrs D continued

"pfft" chad blew a raspberry

"mr danforth this is a place for learning not a hockey arena" mrs D said thinking the basketball was a hockey puck which was stupid. "there is also a final sign ups for next weeks scholastic decathlon competition. chem club president Taylor McHessy can answer all of your questions about that" as mrs D went on and on i reminded myself that i ahd gabriellas number so i could just call her and see if it was her.

"ah the cell phone menace has returned to our crubible of learning" mrs said as gabriellas phone rung

"is it you phone" i heard sharpey say to ryan

"sharpey and ryan cell phones, and i will see in detention" mrs said taking their phones "we have zero tolerance for cell phones in class so we will get to know each other in detention. cell phone. and welcome to east high, miss montez. mr dylan bolton i see your phone is involved so we will see you in detention as well" mrs D

"thats not a possibility mrs darbus" chad said "your honour, see, cos we have basketball practise and dyl"

"ahh that will be 15 minutes for you too mr danforth, count 'em" mrs said

"that could be tough for chad. he cant count that high" taylor said making me laugh a little but cover it up with a coff when i see him glaring at me

"taylor McHessy, 15 minutes" mrs said making taylor stop "shall the carnage continue? holidays are over people. now any more comments, questions"

jason put his hand up and mrs called on him

"how was your holidays mrs darbus" jason said making everyone groan and look at him "what"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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