August 25

"DRACO WAKE UP!" a deep voice screamed from downstairs. The silver-blonde shot up and breathed heavily. He ran down the stairs and came face to face with his father, he looked mad.
He shot a fuming glare at his mother, who didn't look scared for once. She seemed happy.
"Draco, you- you- come with me!" the man said grabbing his wrist, he led him into the kitchen and shut and bolted the door. He grabbed a knife and moved closer to the smaller boy.
"What- father what are you doing?!" he asked backing up swiftly, his back hitting the wall.
"Your mother says you're not my kid, says she slept with a Veela!" the older one spat, "She says you're a Veela too!" he grabs Draco's wrist and slices a long, deep line, quickly bottling the blood.
"I'm getting you a DNA test." he growled before unbolting the door and walking out.
Draco whimpered from the pain and slowly slid down the kitchen wall grasping his wrist.
He carefully reached up and wrapped a towel around his open wound, crying out when he realized it didn't feel good. He wet a softer cloth and wrapped it around his wrist and decided it felt much better, he slowly made his was back upstairs. Plopping down on his bed, knowing their house elf was watching him silently cry with sad eyes. He laid down and turned onto his side, staring at a wall. 
"What the fuck just happened?..." he asked still feeling the stinging under the cloth.
"Master, if I may?" he heard his elf begin, "I could treat your wound." she offered, he turned to face her and was met with a warm smile. He sighed and held out his wrist, she moved forward gently unwrapping the cloth, causing the soothing cold to leave Draco's injury. She held out her hand and some disinfectant and gauze appeared in it, Draco's eyes widened, the house elf had just done magic. He decided he wouldn't punish her for it, since she was helping him. She carefully finished and wrapped the gauze tight. 
"That was a pretty deep wound Master, I hope it'll heal quickly." she said, shuffling back to her original position. Draco realized house elves weren't so useless.
He sighed and prayed, no, begged for September 1st to come quickly as it could possibly could.
Draco buried his face into his pillow and inhaled and exhaled as to calm himself down. He needed a distraction. He lifted his head up slowly and leaned over the edge of his bed, pulling out a shoe box. He opened the lid and moved over tissue papers and random trinkets he had found solace in during his younger childhood years. He was trying to find one certain item that always calmed him down when he was in a panic or just totally stressed out. He let a low growl emit from his throat as he came across a newspaper, this particular paper was produced last week. On the front page were two people he'd seen too often, Headmaster Dumbledore, and Harry-fucking-Potter. He rolled his eyes and poked a hole through a part of Harry's body, as he did every time he came across this paper. He found it therapeutic. He threw the newspaper back in the box and kept searching. He felt cool metal graze his pinkie, he moved in that direction and pulled out a locket. He'd found it. It was given to Draco by his aunt Bellatrix, it was a gold locket that had the Slytherin snake engraved in the middle. He loved it and he loved his aunt, even though She quite scared him sometimes with her obsessiveness over the Dark Lord. He sighed and held it to his chest. Sometimes the locket confused him, he would think he'd hear soft whispers of a language he didn't understand. He'd hold it back when he thought he heard these things but they would disappear. He has come to the conclusion he's just slowly going insane from being locked up either in his room or in his house. He unlocked the chain and wrapped it around his neck and closed the chain with a small click. Draco instantly felt a surge go through him, which frightened the blonde. He'd never worn the locket before and now he didn't think he was supposed to. Draco took it off and placed it in his pants pocket. He looked at the small corner of his room he'd messed up searching for the necklace, sighing he walked back over and bent down. Starting to pick things he stopped when he heard a screech in the distance. Ulysses.
Draco quickly stood up and ran over to his window, opening it before the owl could possibly hurt himself by flying into the glass. The owl gracefully landed on his bed with a dead rodent, Draco let Ulysses on onto his wrist and the boy gently placed the owl in his open cage before going back to his messy pile and stacking things neatly into the box. Draco couldn't stand when things were messy for no reason. He put the lid back on and shoved the small box back under his bed. He didn't know why he put it there, nothing that was in there would make his parents upset, he guessed it was just because he liked not having to get out of his bed when he wanted item from it. He laid back and wondered what his mother was doing right now, he'd always despised his 'father' a little bit, he didn't know how to properly raise a child and frankly, when Draco heard he might not be his child he felt relieved. He turned and looked out his window wondering how his mother gathered the courage to even stand up to his 'father'. He hoped that if he wasn't Lucius' kid he and his mother would move away and he wouldn't have to deal with him anymore. Maybe he wouldn't even be forced to get the Dark Mark. Draco flipped to his other side in bed and sighed. Maybe, just maybe, things would be okay.

End of Chapter 1.

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