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Update: So someone in the book (a character) made a comment about gay people and some of y'all took it offensive and gave your opinions (idk if it was directed towards me) let me clarify that this is a person in the book. Not me- I a full on Lesbian so there should be no reason for me to make a comment that offense others.

*To everyone who is new, I did sell my book a few years ago. My contract with them was coming to an end so to make a long story short, I got the rights back so I will be reposting it on here since I regretted ever selling it. I do want to let everyone know that I wrote this when I was younger, so as this story is slowly being posted remember that I am trying to at least edit the spelling mistakes to calm some part of my soul. Thank you so much for your patience.


"It's okay." I gently massage the girls back with my hand to help her calm down, a trick I learned from all the years of helping people. She snobs quietly on my shoulder and I prayed in my head that I didn't end up with a wet stain there, almost all my shirts end up being cried on, but this one is new.

"I-it's just-" I pat her back and shush her softly.

Once she calmed down and backed away from the understanding hug I got a hold of her shoulders and looked into her brown plain eyes.

"Don't give a damn about that asshole okay-? You're a strong young woman and you can do better than him. He's missing out on something great." I repeat for the billionth time this month. Not to her, but I just memorized this line from how many times people have this specific problem, and when it's a guy that comes to me I just switch the words around a bit.

She nods her head and lets out a little 'yeah' sound.

"Come on girl, have some confidence with that yeah." I say. She smiles at me and shifts upwards to stand up, I stand up as well and she runs her hands down her red puffy eyes.

"Yeah." She says with more confidence. I send her a smile and hug her one last time before letting go.

"That's what I like to hear, now you should go with your friends they must be worried sick." I say. She nods and sends me another quick smile before turning around and walking back to the cafeteria.

Thankfully those kinds of situations only take a couple of minutes, some situations take hours, or even days.

I take a few steps forward, but then quickly remember my own friends must be waiting for me by the football field. So I turn around and begin to walk the direction of the field.


The pen in my hand was broken, but I just couldn't help let curiosity overcome me and start to dismantle the pen, piece by piece. It also wasn't much help that my boredom was also overly consuming.

"What are you doing?" Someone asks, I try to take the spare part of the pen that was attached to the ink container.

"I'm trying to solve world hunger, what do you need help with?" The sarcasm dripped from my voice as I took a moment to look up to see Fredy biting his bottom lip nervously. He takes a seat across from me and stares at me for a second, he clears his throat momentarily before crossing his arms, looking away for a second before looking back at me with clear despair. I decide to put the pen down and adjust my body. I lean forward and turn my body to face him a bit more. "How's your mother doing with the whole brother situation?" I asked. He shrugs, but never breaks eye contact again. His eyes went down to stare at his lap.

"My mother still pretty upset, but I mean my brother is gay so obviously it's going to take some time for her to process it." He says. I begin to scoot forward a bit, wanting to put my hand on his shoulder to comfort him, but I know not everyone is comfortable with contact. I glance quickly around us to make sure no one is around.

"And how are you? Are you still anxious?" I ask. He shakes his head, a small sigh leaving his lips before he lifts his eyesight to look back at mine.

"Not as much." He taps his fingers on the desk below us and I look down to his fingers and back up.

"What do you need help with then?" I say automatically. He instantly stops taping his fingers and gets a hold of my hand.

"One of my friends, something's been bothering him lately, I mean at first it was just something I could brush off, but now it seems as if he's hiding something, and he makes it seem bad." He looks down at the hand he's holding in place with his own.

"Okay-? But I can't really help him now can I-?" I say. I try to take my hand away from his grasp, but he tightens his hold and pulls me closer.

"No, you don't understand he's always so carefree, can you approach him? He won't do it himse-"

"No, I don't go to people, if he has a problem he can come and talk to me if he would like, I won't force him to tell me anything." I interrupt and try to pull my hand away, but he doesn't loosen his hold at all.

"You don't understand, I know this guy like a mother knows her own child- we've known each other for years." He says. I scrunch up my nose and shake my head, pulling my hand away with more force.

"I can't help him if he doesn't want help, convince him and I'll help him." I say before grabbing my belongings and making my way to the library's doors.

I had no doubt I would be hearing from his friend soon. Which was better for me, it kept my boredom at bay. 


Blop blip blep

I'll try and update next week the first chapter, but for now let's see if my theory works.

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