What Is..... Canon?

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So, before I even begin to tell the story, I will need to tell you what is canon to the universe from each episode. Let's begin with

Episode 1: Everything. Maybe Red Skull doesn't die but everything else is canon.

Episode 2: T'challa getting captured by Yondu, T'challa being called Star-Lord, and Ego meeting Peter (tho a bit differently)

Episode 3: Hope Van Dyne as a shield agent. That is all I'll reveal for now.

Episode 4: Pretty much the whole episode except the ending fight and ending. He gets stopped by a new sorcerer supreme.

Episode 5: Peter has the cloak of levitation....Why? Well, we'll see.

Episode 6: Killmonger saves Tony. Pretty much it, alot will be changed for Killmonger tho.

Episode 7: Pretty much everything is still canon except the Ultron reveal.

So that is all you need to know that is canon to the series. It'll make more sense when I get into it. Anyways, as the Watcher says, Follow me through this vast new reality, and I'll see you all later. Bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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