chapter 1

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Rose winters ~

"Come on I want to see him, I need to see him" my bestfriend Hina said with so much excitement that would even woke the dead.

I am trying to complete my homework in my room in our pack's house and she won't stop bothering me. The person she is talking about is the beta of the red moon pack. He is visiting our pack. I don't know the reason behind this visit. I am an ordinary member of this pack so this kind of information are not shared with me and other members like me.

Hina on the other hand is daughter of our alpha. She is nothing like someone in authority you will imagine to be she is kind, loving and an amazing friend.

"Why you are so excited about it, alphas and betas come for visit, you are used to it " I said looking up from my homework.

" I don't know, my wolf is so excited to meet him I think.. I think... he is my mate " she said with big wide smile.

I closed my notebook and get up and get a hold of her shoulders "are you Sirius? " I screamed with a wide smile on my face.

I can not believe she is going to meet her mate. She 20 year old. Ever since she turned 18 she wouldn't stop talking about finding mate and starting a family.

"Can you smell his scent ?" I asked

She nodded multiple times with wide smile, I laughed little.

" Where is he? " I asked

"He is here nearby I can feel him goddess I am so nervous do you think I should change my clothes I like pink but what if he doesn't like pink color and what about my hair I think I should w...."

" Calm down you look perfect besides mates like each other other no matter what" I said

She is beautiful she has light brown hair and honey brown eyes. she is tall with tanned skin and perfect femenine body.
She is exceptionally beautiful she has alpha blood afterall.

"He is here he is coming"
She said oh my god mimicking Janice from friends. I laughed at that.

Seeing my bestfriend nervous about meeting her mate is really cute.
And then a man appeared at my room's door.

A really tall man with masculine body, green eyes and and black curly hair.
His skin is pale, paler than it should be also he has dark circles under his eyes and he looked really tired. He has fresh wound on his left cheek which is little suspecious because werewolf heal fast. But I should not judge him besides he is hina's mate.

He still looked really attractive though. That's blessing being tired and still manage to look attractive If I would be in his state I would have looked like friggin patato.

The way they both were looking at each other it was so obvious that they were mates.

" Um I will leave you both alone " I said while walking out of my room.
As soon as I was outside hina's mate closed the door.

Damn it shouldn't have leave them alone I just hope they don't fuck on my bed.

I am really happy that she found her mate but now she will have to leave this pack. She is my bestfriend. I don't know how I will survive without her.

I still remember when I first met her it was two years ago. I crossed the border of this pack it was intentional, I was trying to run away from someone and I knew he would never follow me in pack's territory

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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