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Hello :)

If you're confused, don't worry, I'm about to explain.

I write a lot of stories. I must have over 8 that I'm currently working on. This is Valentine and Magnolia, a short story that I finished a while ago.

I thought I'd have a go posting one of my originals, and this is the shortest so.. here we are.

When a new chapter starts, there has been a time skip of two years, bare that in mind. I did this to make it move a bit quicker, since I wanted it to be a shorter story.

And I would just like to say..

Please ignore my cringey writing 🙏

And I hope you enjoy :)

Edit, 17 OCT 2023: I have gone through and edited this story, so it's now the updated version. I originally wrote this story in 2021, so this edit is two years later.

Valentine & MagnoliaWhere stories live. Discover now