Chapter 4

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"N-Nice to-o meet you-u too." I stuttered while shaking his hand.

He walked over to his desk and gave me two books, "here are your books, would you like to introduce yourself to the class?"

"Uhm i-i'd rather not..."

"Shes really shy sir, she was bullied on her last school." Niall said.

"Oh, im sorry for that. Would you mind if we ask you question and you answer them?"


"Alright does anyone have a question for Isla?"

"How old are you?"

"Where are you from?"

"New Zealand"

"How long have you lived here?"

"A couple days."

"Why were you bullied on your last school?"

"I'd rather not say." I said looking down.

"Oh. Well im sorry that you're were bullied." The same person said.

*I smiled* "Thank you."

"Alright well, Isla pls take a seat and i'll continue my lesson."


I sat next to Niall and the teacher continued his lesson. 45 minutes later we were dismissed and Niall took me to spanish. When we came in the classroom I sat next to Niall again, the teacher wasn't here yet. When he came in he said:

Hola a todos espero que hayan tenido un buen fin de semana. También espero que estéis todos preparados para la prueba de hoy. Comenzaremos ahora mismo, así que coloque sus teléfonos y diccionarios en este cuadro.
(Hello everyone I hope you all had a good weekend. I also hope your all prepared for the test for today. We'll start right now so please put your phones and dictionaries in this box.)

Not that long but okay, the next one is longer!😀

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