What Happened to my Oneshots?

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UPDATE: I just checked my emails, looks like Wattpad has removed every story due to violating the guidelines which I completely understand and I respect their decision. I think they must have been mass reported, because this was so sudden. I should have used a different platform to post my stories and will not continue to use Wattpad if I decide to make similar stories in the future. I am really sorry I did not back up my work, I had all the time in the world to do so and I guess I never thought this would actually happen (as my stories held up for so long). I will be backing up all my other stories just in case it happens again. 

This was a fun 6 years :) I will miss the comment section most of all (because that's where all you wonderful people were). 


Hey everyone I hope you're all doing well. My story has disappeared and luckily I had it on my "continue reading" function. Well I noticed only one chapter is left and when I tried to vote on it the message came up: "unable to vote: this story was deleted by the author"

Now I'm not sure if that means someone got access to my account and deleted all stories or if Wattpad took it down. I have no communication from Wattpad about this which is unusual, so I'm a bit confused.

If anyone has any knowledge about this I'd appreciate any advice! I know it's probably long gone :(

RIP Yaoi OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now