Chapter 31

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Joe moans as she rolls over. She exhales deeply as she slowly cracks an eye open. The sun shines dully through the bay window behind her. Joe closes her eyes, rolling over to her back. Her mind filters the events of the past day as she lays half awake. Charlie, as promised, had shown up at dinner time. But instead of bringing her food, he dragged her down to the mess to eat. Joe had been hesitant at first, but Charlie stayed with her the entire time. He even carried her food taking them to a secluded table in the back corner of the spacious room. The two talked as if they were longtime friends. Joe did not fully comprehend the calmness that washed over her when he was near. Charlie was different. He tore down walls that she spent years building and forfeiting.

Burnt and Barlow eventually came over as the pair continued to talk and laugh. Joe had to admit that the presence of those two men made her feel anxious. She still did not have the answer to her own dilemma on where she wanted to be. Her heart sunk deep within her stomach when they asked to join them at the table. She had been terrified they would ask or try to persuade her. But Charlie had quickly dispelled that as well as he moved himself next to her, giving the two men the other half of the table, keeping the conversation generic and lighthearted. Joe sighs as she can still smell the man's scent when he sat that close. She remembers the feelings of comfort and ease that overwhelmed her when the man was near.

A small smile pulls at her lips as she pictures that handsome rugged face. The toned, taunt muscles that caressed his arms and neck. That cocky lopsided grin that makes her heart flutter. And those silver eyes that spoke more than his words. Joe exhales happily. She stretches her limps breathing contently as she snuggles back into the pillows underneath her.

"On deck! Land Ho!" A voice hollers from the topsails.

Joe startles as the voice echoes across the deck. Her eyes snap open, her body jolting upright. She grabs at her chest as her heart beats to explosion. The blue eyes dart about the room; everything was where it was supposed to be. She regulates her breathing, glancing over at the open double doors. Her face falls, twisting into annoyance.

"Well, I'm glad I slept in my dress." She mumbles bitterly.

Joe shakes her head, throwing the blankets off of her. She swings her legs off the bed, snatching her boots off the floor. She glides them over her feet before rising to stand. Her joints crack and pop as she stretches on her tiptoes. The young woman yawns, rubbing at her eyes as she comes into the sunlight onto the upper deck. She rubs her face blindly making her way across the deck. A gasp startles her as her shoulder is roughly shoved backwards. She stumbles a few paces crying out as she begins to lose her balance. Joe squeezes her eyes shut waiting for the impact with the hard deck. The blue eyes slowly crack open as she stays suspended. She blinks them several times staring down at the decking in confusion. Her head slowly swivels coming face to face with Charlie. Charlie has a firm hold on her biceps and he is staring intensely at her.

"Wow. Hey!" Joe cries out as she is yanked to an upright position.

"Sorry. I thought you saw me." He smiles sheepishly.

"My sight was hidden by my hands Charles." Joe grouses. "What has you in such a hurry that you felt the need to run into me?"

Charlie gestures to a spot behind her. Joe glances over her shoulder noticing the men struggling to get a boat hauled up off the deck. The men grunt and strain their muscles as they pull on the ropes. The shore boat refuses to budge.

"One of the ropes are knotted together. I need to climb the netting and cut it lose so we can respool the pully."


Charlie grins at her, "You know, you're grumpy first thing in the mornings."

Joe's mouth gaps open at the taunt. The grin splitting further across Charlie's face. Joe huffs in amusement, twisting her face upwards as a smile graces her features. She clenches her fist, playfully beating on the man. Charlie laughs deeply, raising his arms to protect himself. He backs away from her, side-stepping her last attack. He trots backwards, his features enveloped in a goofy grin. Joe rolls her eyes shaking her head fondly.

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