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In the morning, Lin crawled out of her parents bed and walked back to her room. Though it didn't look like her room anymore stuff was strewn everywhere across the dresser, the floors and on her bed. The window was open as though someone had been there, in her room. There was splatters of red on the was blood. Frantic she ran back to her parents room, to check if both of them were there, when she confirmed her mom and dad where still in bed, she ran back to her room. Then she saw whose blood it was the dog's blood. Bingo(the dog ) was hanging from the ceiling of her room. Gashes and cuts were all over her small body. Lin screamed, causing her parents to wake up and come check on her. When they got there Lin was standing in the doorway with a look of terror on her face. "What's wrong?" Mother asked "The dog he's dead and my room is a mess!" Lin replied in a shaky voice. Her mom poked her head in her daughters room....and indeed the dog was dead, dripping blood, and Lin's room was a mess. The only evidence someone had for sure been there was the open window. After they saw the body they called the police, the police came and said whoever had been in Lin's room that night had left. Lin didn't believe that because now written in her dog's blood on the wall were the following words...'I'm alway's watching you Lin, careful..' Lin didn't say anything about the words on her wall, as they disappeared after if she was the only one meant to see them. The police left and they tried to continue the day as they normally would have, but the image of the dead dog stuck with everyone. Around noon, Lin's parents had something they needed to do and had to leave Lin alone. Lin was okay with this, but also a little scared. Lin decided to take a nap, and when she woke up 2 hours later.....her left leg had several bruises, she didn't remember how they got there. Laying in her bed confused, she was sure she saw the tentacle/arm thing coming from her closet again. She was terrified but did nothing, she instead looked to under her bed and saw a face under her bed....

Talk about cliffhanger !
Word count:402

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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